Intrinsic attributes
Each dimension has these intrinsic attributes:
- Children Cardinality
- Description
- Element type (OLAP)
- Level Number
- Level Unique Name
- Element Caption
- Element Name
- Element Type
- Element Unique Name
- Parent Level
- Parent Unique Name
If you use the Edit OLAP Formula
dialog box to write an attributes formula, ROA formula, or RWA formula, the intrinsic
attributes are listed in the Attribute field of the dialog box.
Note: If you select the intrinsic
attribute Element Name in Edit OLAP Formula the
resulting formula displays Member_Name:
If you create ROA or RWA formulas manually, you must use these names to specify the
intrinsic attributes: =ROA("BestPracticesOLAP","ANALYSIS","[PRODUCT]","MEMBER_NAME","[PRODUCT].[All Tires]")
- Children_Cardinality
- Description
- Element_Type
- Level_Number
- Level_Unique_Name
- Member_Caption
- Member_Name
- Member_Type
- Member_Unique_Name
- Parent_Level
- Parent_Unique_Name
Note: For all supported database
providers, Member_Type returns 1 for time dimensions and 2 for measures dimensions. The
values of other dimension types vary according to database provider.
The values which Member_Type returns for elements of the OLAP metadata hierarchy are different.