To represent a single hierarchy, use the XMLAHierarchy
data type. In this example code, the names of all
hierarchies are printed that can be found through an XMLA connection:
#define EngineVersion 5.0
#define RuntimeVersion 5.0
void XmlaPrintHierarchies(XMLAConnection connection)
XMLACubeList cubes = XMLAGetCubeList(connection);
foreach (XMLACube cube in cubes)
XMLADimensionList dimensions = XMLAGetDimensionList(cube);
WriteLine("Found cube " + XMLAGetCubeName(cube) + ". It has " + Count(dimensions) + " dimensions.");
foreach (XMLADimension dimension in dimensions)
XMLAHierarchyList hierarchies = XMLAGetHierarchyList(dimension);
WriteLine(" Found dimension " + XMLAGetDimensionName(dimension) + ". It has " + Count(hierarchies) + " hierarchies.");
foreach (XMLAHierarchy hierarchy in hierarchies)
WriteLine(" Found hierarchy " + XMLAGetHierarchyName(hierarchy) + ".);