Testing processes with complex parameter types
To test these processes, you must use a workaround. The complex parameters must
be replaced by basic types that are allowed in public processes. The functionality
of the complex types must be reconstructed in the process in a way that basic types
are used instead. For example, a process has a parameter of type OLAPConnection
void MyProcess(OLAPConnection connection)
// the process code
You cannot specify a value for connection
on the Parameters tab when you start the test mode. Thus, this process cannot be tested as is. To test it, change the parameters and function:
void MyProcess(string server, string user, string password)
OLAPConnection connection = OLAPCreateNamedConnection("");
// the process code
Now the information for the connection can be specified and the process can be
tested. Ensure that the name of the parameter, connection
in this case, is not changed. After the testing, change the
process parameters back to the first version and remove the line that creates the