
Every OLAP dimension may have up to three attribute tables. To access the dimension's attribute tables, use the OLAPAttributeTableList data type:

#define EngineVersion 5.0
#define RuntimeVersion 5.0

void PrintAttributeTableList()
    OLAPConnection olapconnection = OLAPCreateNamedConnection("");
    foreach (OLAPCube cube in OLAPGetCubeList(olapconnection))
        WriteLine("Found cube " + OLAPGetCubeName(cube) + ".");
        OLAPDimensionList dimensions = OLAPGetDimensionList(cube);
        foreach (OLAPDimension dimension in dimensions)
            WriteLine("Found dimension " + dimension + ".");
            OLAPAttributeTableList attributeTables = OLAPGetAttributeTableList(dimension);
            foreach (OLAPAttributeTable attributeTable in attributeTables)
                WriteLine("Attribute table '" + OLAPGetAttributeTableName(attributeTable) + "':");

This data type is only available in engine versions 2.0 and above.