Repository permissions

This table shows the predefined repository permissions and their descriptions:
Permission Description
Administer Users and Groups Bearers can define and configure the SSO system to be used, add, and remove users and user groups. This repository permission is assigned to the Repository Administrator role.
Change Password Bearers can change the password to the application. This repository permission is assigned to the Change Password role.
Administer Repository Bearers can perform repository level administration tasks, for example, history management, database interface management. This repository permission is assigned to the Repository Administrator role.
Create Application Bearers can install and create applications. This repository permission is assigned to Application Creator and Repository Administrator roles.
Administer Farm Bearers can manage the Configuration Service, repository assignments, and administer OLAP database. This repository permission is assigned to the Farm Administrator role.
View Log Bearers can view existing log entries. This repository permission is assigned to Farm Administrator, Log Administrator, and Log Viewer roles.
Administer Log Bearers can create log definitions. This repository permission is assigned to Farm Administrator and Log Administrator roles.
Note: To administer and create log definitions, the View Log permission must also be granted.
Administer Audit By default, this permission is assigned to the Audit Administrator role. Bearers can administer audits.
Manage Application Store By default, this permission is assigned to the Farm Administrator role. Bearers can view, add, edit, and remove applications and their releases. Bearers can change the status of releases from Draft to In Test and from In Test to Draft.
Approve Application Bearers can change the status of releases to Approved. The status of Approved releases cannot be changed.