Creating and editing repository roles

You can use predefined repository roles available in EPM Administration. You can also create new roles on the Repository Roles tab on the Manage Roles dashboard.

  1. Select Dashboards > User and Permission Management > Manage Roles.
  2. Click the Repository Roles tab.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Specify the name of the repository role and, optionally, a description.
  5. Click Create Role.
  6. Select the repository role and click Edit.
  7. In the Permissions section, select the appropriate repository permissions for the selected role.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Select Dashboards > User and Permission Management > Users, Groups and Roles.
  10. In the section with roles, click the Repository Roles tab.
  11. Select the role to assign to users or groups, or both and click Edit.
    Note: The Edit icon is disabled for built-in repository roles.
  12. Select the users or groups, or both that need the selected repository role.
  13. Click Save.