Progression rule

The process uses these tables and stored procedures:

  • The staging table is DAT_PROGRESSION_STAGE.
  • The stored procedure to validate staged data is depm_integration_wb_progression_prepare_staging.
  • The stored procedure to process staged data is depm_integration_wb_progression.
  • The data is imported to:

The output tables are:

  • ATT_WBCCONFIG_PROGRESSION contains the configuration cube data.
  • DIM_WBDPROGRESSION_ELEMENTS contains the elements in the WBDPROGRESSION dimension.
  • DIM_WBDPROGRESSION_PARENTS contains the parent/child relationships in the WBDPROGRESSION dimension.
  • DIM_BPDNO_ELEMENTS contains placement holder elements for different effective date and salary table combinations.
  • DIM_BPDNO_PARENTS contains the parent/child relationships in the BPDNO dimension.

The entity ID must exist prior to importing data.

If you are importing progression rules, you must also import salary table data.

This table describes DAT_PROGRESSION_STAGE:

Field Required Description
Entity Y Unique entity ID.

The related field is ID in the DIM_BPDENTITY_ELEMENTS table.

SalaryTableIdentifier Y Unique salary table identifier.

The related field is Identifier in the DAT_WBDSG_TABLE_STAGE table.

Name Y Unique progression rule name.
Description N Progression rule description.
DateType Y Type of date the rule is based on; must be an attribute of employee or position.

The values are:

  • EffectiveStart
  • EffectiveEnd
  • CreateDate
  • EmployeeEffectiveStart
  • EmployeeEffectiveEnd
  • AssignmentEffectiveStart
  • AssignmentEffectiveEnd
  • HireDate
  • PromotionDate
  • LongevityDate
  • ImportDate