Configuring data

To configure databases, cubes and dimensions, configure the corresponding widgets on the Data Configuration dashboard.

  1. Select Dashboards > Self-Service and open the Data Configuration dashboard.
  2. To disable or enable a database that is listed in the Database Configuration widget, clear or select the corresponding check box.
    Note: The changes to settings made in the Data Configuration dashboard do not overrule the OLAP settings that are configured in the table access cube.
  3. To configure cubes in the Cube Configuration widget:
    1. Select a database in the Database Configuration widget.
      A list of all cubes within the database is shown in the Cube Configuration widget.

      By default, these MDAC cubes within the DEPMAPPS_DEPM database are not enabled.

    2. To disable or enable a cube, clear or select the Enabled check box.
    3. To enable or disable the writeback option for a cube, select or clear the Writable check box.
      The writeback function is applied only to those cubes that are set as writable.
    Note: By default, only cubes which contain user data in Self-Service are enabled. This default is enabled after the application installation, or after an upgrade. In case of an upgrade, this default is enabled only if cubes are not customized before the upgrade.
  4. In the Dimension Configuration widget, the administrator can disable or enable dimensions of the selected cube.
    As you disable the dimension, the default member turns blue, and you can select a new default member for the hidden dimension.