Currency conversion rules
The cube rules are calculated at run time so that after data entry each converted value is updated automatically. These cubes are prepared for the currency conversion process:
The classification into different exchange rate types: average rate, end rate, or no rate can be used to assign the appropriate rate to the accounts configured. For example, volume and percentage.
Exchange rates are stored in relation to version and time in the EXRATE cube.
Entry of company data is always done on the LC element (local currency) in the currency dimension (CURRTYPE). The appropriate currency allocation for every unit is stored in the UNITCONF cube defining a three digit ISO code by time and version. In parallel, exchange rates (average rate and end rate) are stored by time and version in the EXRATE cube.
The mapping of the base elements in the account dimensions (Profit, Cost and
Account) to the equivalent exchange rate type is defined by the CurrConTyp
attribute in attribute table 1. These parameters can be
- A: Currency conversion based on average rate
- E: Currency conversion based on end rate
- U: No currency conversion