This table describes the dimension:

Value Description
Description This dimension contains the hierarchy of the P/L account structure according to cost of sales method (IFRS).

The structure has to match the elements and aggregations of cost areas and types of cost and revenues to transfer data from the SALES and COST cubes using data connections (cube rules).

Additionally, the structure accounts for the financial statement (IFRS) and the cash flow statement (indirect method) which is generated from P/L data and balance sheet changes (integration).

Maintenance The structure can be added or changed according to specific needs of the customer.

The mapping to the P/L account structure and the allocation of balance sheet accounts to cash flow accounts may need adjusting to assure the data transfer between cubes.

Attribute table 1

Attribute field 1: ElemType - Type of element (numeric or string)

Attribute field 2: Name - Short description in (English)

Attribute field 3: OrderPos - Order position for report listing

Attribute field 4: AccountTyp - Revenue; Expense; Assets; Liabilities

Attribute field 5: CurrConTyp - Currency conversion based on

A: Average Rate

E: End Rate

U: No currency conversion (for example, volume, percentage)

Maintenance Manually
Attribute table 2

Attribute field 1: English - English Description

Attribute field 2: German - German Description

Attribute field 3: French - French Description

Attribute field 4: Spanish - Spanish Description

Attribute field 5: Italian - Italian Description

Subsets None