Table table

The DEPM_MOD_TABLE table is a physical table in the staging database. This representation is required mainly for referential integrity with other entities.
Name Definition
Name nvarchar(50) NOT NULL; PK
Description nvarchar(150) NULL
Connection nvarchar(50) NULL
Application nvarchar(50) NULL
DataConnection nvarchar(50) NULL
PhysicalName nvarchar(200) NULL

The value of Connection can be staging or dataconnection. The default value is NULL and its meaning is interpreted as a reference to the Staging database.

The column values have these meanings:

  • NULL value: If the table name prefix is DEPM_, WFB_, WF_, or WFP_, then its meaning is interpreted as a reference to the Integration database. Otherwise, it is interpreted as a reference to the Staging database.
  • dataconnection value: The Application, DataConnection, andPhysicalName columns are required.
  • staging value: No additional columns are required.

All data tables must be of the same source. For example, you cannot have the DAC table in the Staging database and the elements or relations table in another source. If you create a DAC table in the user interface, then the table is created in Staging. If an elements or relations table is from another source, you must create a DAC table in that source. You also must adjust the DEPM_MOD_TABLE table manually with a script.

All data tables for a cube must be of the same source. For example, you cannot have a MDAC table in Staging and a fact table in another source.

The PhysicalName logic works in this way:

  • If Connection is equal to DataConnection, then the search is performed only for PhysicalName.
  • If Connection is empty or contains the NULL or staging value, and PhysicalName is empty, then the Name is used.