Data connections in Application Studio

Data connections are the successor of database aliases.

These database alias settings are not available in Application Studio data connections:

  • Role specific connection settings.

    Typically, you use single sign on, using the existing connection option.

    The configuration of OLAP databases that are running in the farm is simplified and more embedded. Demo situations in which the admin user connects to an OLAP database are no longer required.

  • Connect at log-on

    This setting is obsolete. Data connections are used by different components and each component ensures that data connections are established at the correct time.

  • Native OLAP connections

    The XMLA provider is the only method to be used for connections from Application Studio to multidimensional databases. The native OLAP connection is no longer supported.

  • COS database alias

    _COSData database aliases are no longer supported.

    After migration, you must change from _COS database alias to a relational data connection.

  • CPM XMLA provider

    Infor CPM Applications is no longer supported. Projects using Infor CPM Applications cannot be migrated to Infor EPM. Continue to use Infor BI 11.0.