Cube PerspectiveGet

Returns the definition of the specified perspective.


<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="170.2" Class="Cube" Method="PerspectiveGet">
    <Alea:Perspective Name="SalesPerspectiveLC1" CheckValidity="true" />

This table describes the XML attributes of the <Alea:Perspective> XML element:

XML attribute Description
Name Name of the perspective. Perspective names are unique. You are not required to specify the cube on which the perspective was based.
CheckValidity Indicates whether the definition is checked for validity. This attribute is optional. The default is false. If it is set to true then these checks are performed:
  • The base cube of the perspective still exists and contains a Measure dimension.
  • The specified dimensions, hierarchies, and elements still exist and belong to the corresponding objects. That is, dimensions to the cube, hierarchies to the dimensions, and elements to the hierarchies.
  • The Measure dimension is not excluded.
  • The perspective has two or more dimensions.


<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="170.2">
      <Alea:Perspective Name="SalesPerspectiveLC1" Cube="SALES" ContextRelated="true">
        <Alea:Dimension Name="CURRTYPE">
          <Alea:ExcludeDimension Hierarchy="CURRTYPE" Element="LC" />
        <Alea:Dimension Name="PRODUCT" DefaultHierarchy="Tire Size">
          <Alea:Hierarchy Name="Speed Rating">
            <Alea:DefaultMember Name="Q (99 mph  160 km/h)" />
          <Alea:Hierarchy Name="Tire Size">
            <Alea:DefaultMember Name="AS700/205" /> 
          <Alea:Translation LocaleIdentifier="0">
            <Alea:Caption>Sales cube context LC1</Alea:Caption>
            <Alea:Description>Sales cube - the perspective for the context local currency 1</Alea:Description>
          <Alea:Translation LocaleIdentifier="7">
            <Alea:Caption>Verkaufs-Cube Kontext LW1</Alea:Caption>
            <Alea:Description>Verkaufs-Cube - die Perspektive für den Kontext Lokale Währung 1</Alea:Description>
      <Alea:Errors />

If CheckValidity is set to true then possible errors are listed within the <Alea:Errors> XML element. For example, if the base cube of the perspective does not exist , the answer looks similar to this:

<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="170.2">
      <Alea:Perspective Name="SalesPerspectiveLC1" Cube="SALES" ContextRelated="true">
        <Alea:Dimension Name="CURRTYPE">
          <Alea:ExcludeDimension Hierarchy="CURRTYPE" Element="LC" />
        <Alea:Dimension Name="PRODUCT" DefaultHierarchy="Tire Size">
          <Alea:Hierarchy Name="Speed Rating">
            <Alea:DefaultMember Name="Q (99 mph  160 km/h)" />
          <Alea:Hierarchy Name="Tire Size">
            <Alea:DefaultMember Name="205" />
          <Alea:Translation LocaleIdentifier="0">
            <Alea:Caption>Sales cube context LC1</Alea:Caption>
            <Alea:Description>Sales cube - the perspective for the context local currency 1</Alea:Description>
          <Alea:Translation LocaleIdentifier="7">
            <Alea:Caption>Verkaufs-Cube Kontext LW1</Alea:Caption>
            <Alea:Description>Verkaufs-Cube - die Perspektive für den Kontext Lokale Währung 1</Alea:Description>
        <Alea:GenericError ErrorID="47" /> 


In case of general errors, for example if the perspective does not exist, this error is returned:

<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="170.2">
      <Alea:Error ErrorID="error_code" />

If CheckValidity is set to false in the request then the complete <Alea:Errors> section is omitted.

The meaning of each XML object is explained in the Cube PerspectiveCreate XML function topic.