
The _AttributeFields table describes the attributes of each dimension and their relational sources.

This table describes _AttributeFields:

Column Type Description
DimensionName String(50) The name of the dimension.
TableId Integer The attribute table identifier. There are up to three allowable tables of attributes for a dimension. These are identified by a number 1, 2, or 3.
RelationalField String(50) The name of the relational column from which the attribute field is loaded.
FieldName String(50) The name of the attribute field in the OLAP database to be loaded with data. This column is used by old style source tables. The column can be empty if the only source table is a combined table.
FieldDescription String(150) The description of the field.
FieldType String(1) Enumerator indicating the field type. The values are:
  • C = Character string
  • N = Numeric
  • D = Date
  • L = Logical
FieldWidth Integer The width of the field.
FieldDecimalPlaces Integer The number of decimal places of a numeric field. For non-numeric fields this value must be NULL.
FieldOrderPosition Integer The order in which to load the attributes (within an attribute table). This number indicates the order position of an attribute (within its attribute table). A NULL value is assumed to be zero.
Comment Text User defined comment.

General information

The DimensionName column is linked to the DimensionName column in the _Dimensions table.

The attributes are loaded when a dimension is loaded (_Jobs.JobType = 1) or when the attributes are loaded for an existing (already loaded) dimension (_Jobs.JobType = 6). If more than the maximum number of attribute fields is attempted to be loaded, then the OLAP dimension is created but loaded without any attribute tables.