Creating and editing attributes
To create attributes, go to the Attributes tab in the Dimension Properties dialog and click the button. In the Create Attribute dialog, you specify the properties of the attribute. To edit attributes, select it in the table and click . In the Edit Attribute dialog you specify the properties of the attribute.
Note: If the data type of an attribute is Double, you must
specify a length and precision. Values of this type are displayed with a
separator. You must include the separator character when you specify the
length. For example, 123.4 has a length of 5 and a precision of 1.
To delete an attribute, select it in the table and click
.To define an attribute field as element key, select it and click
. To specify an attribute field as element caption, select it and click . The ODBO provider may use the element key and element key caption.Note: The element key and the element caption are displayed on
Properties tab of the
Dimension Properties dialog.
To move an attribute up and down within the list, select it and click
or .