Step by step

When you use Connector for the first time:

  1. Install and configure the preferences.
  2. Check the target structure.
    Before you create unified mappings for business groups, check, whether the target dimensions and target cubes exist. Unified mappings may also be added and edited later.
  3. Create the business groups.
    Create the business groups with the Business Group Wizard. Thus, you combine the business units, for which you use the same settings. Unified mappings, currency settings and settings to load business data, are specific to the business groups.
  4. Check the mappings.
    Check the mappings you have created with the Business Group Wizard. Create further mappings, if necessary. For the unified mappings select the elements to import later.
  5. Assign elements in the target dimension.
    Create the hierarchical structure for the import. Copy the source elements to the target dimension or create elements that you assign to the source elements.
  6. Create data connections for cubes.

    Create the data connections for cubes for the cubes of the OLAP database. Thus, you determine, which data are loaded into the cube, when the database is created.

  7. Create the OLAP database.
    Create the database using the menu command File > Create Database. In the OLAP database, the structures are created and the mapped data are imported from the source database.