Configuring the data transfer
You configure the transfer of business data from the reference database to the OLAP database using data connections for cubes. For this purpose, you select a business group as the source, when you create the data connection.
To determine, how the data of the reference database is transferred to theOLAP database, click . The work space has five tabs: Summary, Default elements of dimensions, Used mappings, Unused mappings and Dimension filters. In the upper section, the filters of the mappings, used mappings and dimensions are specified. Specify the default member for the dimensions that do not have a mapping. On the Unused mappings tab, the mappings of the business group that are not assigned to a dimension are shown. On the Used mappings tab the mappings are shown that are assigned to a dimension. The Dimension filters tab displays all dimensions in the cube. You can create filters on used and unused mappings that limit the data transferred to OLAP. You can also create filters on the Dimension filters tab.
To specify the default element of a dimension, select it from the drop-down list of the Default column.
To specify a filter of a mapping, a used mapping or a dimension, click the Filter dialog.
button. Specify the filter in theTo enable the export function for a data connection for cubes, so that you can export the data of the data connection, right-click the data connection in the tree and select Edit Data Connection for Cubes dialog, enable . On the Data Connections for Cubes tab in the Property dialog of a business group, you can enable for all data connections of a cube or of a business group.
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