Cash Flow Group Accounts

The use of business data from the Cash Flow Group Accounts business object is required in Financial Consolidation. In Budgeting & Planning, Financial Reporting, and Workforce Budgeting, that data is not used.

This table shows the properties of the Cash Flow Group Accounts business object and uses these abbreviations:

  • BP: Budgeting & Planning
  • CO: Financial Consolidation
  • FR: Financial Reporting
  • WB: Workforce Budgeting
  • R: Required
  • U: Used but optional
Field Description Type BP CO FR WB
ID Unique identifier of an account. nvarchar R
Name Caption that is displayed if no language-specific translation is provided. nvarchar R
ParentID Parent account ID.

If left blank, then Parent ID is by default assigned to the top-level All Accounts (TOTAL_ACCOUNT) value.

In multiple hierarchies, an account can be assigned to multiple parents. Do not assign an account to multiple parents in combination with weight 1 within the top-level All Accounts structure.
nvarchar U
Weight Used to control the roll-up into parents.

Typically set to 1 for the accounts in the chart of accounts.

Must be set to 0 for statistical accounts of types S, T, M, and O. This is to prevent an aggregation of values within the chart of accounts.

float R
OrderPosition Position of an element in the resulting dimension. integer U
Method1 Used for the calculation of various scenarios.

Method1 uses the currency conversion with these exchange rate types:

  • A: Average rate
  • WA: Weighted average rate
  • F: Closing rate
nvarchar R
Method2 Used for the calculation of various scenarios.

Method2 uses the currency conversion with these exchange rate types:

  • A: Average rate
  • WA: Weighted average rate
  • F: Closing rate
nvarchar U
Method3 Used for the calculation of various scenarios.

Method3 uses the currency conversion with these exchange rate types:

  • A: Average rate
  • WA: Weighted average rate
  • F: Closing rate
nvarchar U
Method4 Used for the calculation of various scenarios.

Method4 uses the currency conversion with these exchange rate types:

  • A: Average rate
  • WA: Weighted average rate
  • F: Closing rate
nvarchar U
Method5 Used for the calculation of various scenarios.

Method5 uses the currency conversion with these exchange rate types:

  • A: Average rate
  • WA: Weighted average rate
  • F: Closing rate
nvarchar U
FormatString Used to define different value formats in Self-Service and custom reports. For example, integer values such as headcount are defined in the #,##0 format.

The default format is #,##0.00.

LangEN Name translated into English. nvarchar U
LangDE Name translated into German. nvarchar U
LangFR Name translated into French. nvarchar U
LangES Name translated into Spanish. nvarchar U
LangJA Name translated into Japanese. nvarchar U
LangPT_BR Name translated into Portuguese (Brazilian). nvarchar U
LangRU Name translated into Russian. nvarchar U
LangIT Name translated into Italian. nvarchar U
LangZH_CHS Name translated into Chinese (Simplified). nvarchar U
LangCS Name translated into Czech. nvarchar U
LangNL Name translated into Dutch. nvarchar U
LangDA Name translated into Danish. nvarchar U
LangSV Name translated into Swedish. nvarchar U
LangNO Name translated into Norwegian. nvarchar U
LangPL Name translated into Polish. nvarchar U
LangTH Name translated into Thai. nvarchar U
LangFI Name translated into Finnish. nvarchar U
LangKO Name translated into Korean. nvarchar U
LangMS Name translated into Malaysian. nvarchar U
LangFR_CA Name translated into French (Canadian). nvarchar U
LangZH_TW Name translated into Chinese (Traditional). nvarchar U
LangID Name translated into Indonesian. nvarchar U
LangVI Name translated into Vietnamese. nvarchar U