Migration of Budgeting & Planning schedules

Note: This topic applies to users who work with Infor EPM versions older than 2022.12.

Budgeting & Planning schedules are migrated automatically. However, you must take action if conflicts with existing Financial Consolidation schedules occur.

If a conflict occurs, a placeholder schedule with the Migrate_ prefix is created. The placeholder schedules have no schedule details. To complete the migration, ensure that your accounts are not mapped to the placeholder schedule. You must either change the placeholder schedule to an existing schedule in the Accounts business object or create a new schedule.

To avoid data loss, ensure that the new and existing schedules have the same schedule details assigned as the schedules from before migration.

After replacing all Migrate_ schedule assignments in the Accounts business object, you must manually delete all schedules with the Migrate_ prefix in the Schedules business object. Only then can you publish the model.