Adding rate sets for Consolidation

The business applications have a predefined list of currencies and you cannot add currencies except from that list. But sometimes there is a requirement to model different currency rate scenarios. Adding currency rate scenarios enables you to, for example, simulate the effect of a different exchange rate for a currency.
Note: The Rates Sets (Consolidation) tab is visible only if the consolidation module is activated.

Rate sets can be used as group or entity currencies, wherever currencies can be used.

  1. Select Business Objects > Organizational > Currencies.
  2. Click the Rates Sets (Consolidation) tab.
  3. Click + Add and specify this information:
    Specify an Id for the rate set.
    You cannot use the ISO code of any currency as the ID of a rate set.
    Specify a name for the rate set.
  4. Optionally, specify translations of the rate set name in any of the supported languages.
  5. Click + Add.
    After you publish the model, the rate sets are available in Financial Consolidation.