Financial dimensions


The Accounts dimension reflects the standardized consolidated chart of accounts for the organization. Additionally, there are technical elements related to sales and Workforce Budgeting sub plans.

The Accounts dimension should provide a standardized consolidated chart of accounts of the organization to ensure correct comparisons between any planning data and the actuals. Therefore, in most cases, company-specific charts of accounts must be mapped to the standardized consolidated chart.

The dimension provides several attribute fields for all accounts (area TOTAL_ACCOUNT):

  • Account Type: All accounts must be assigned to an account type, otherwise they will not be available for the Budgeting & Planning application.
    • A = Assets
    • L = Liabilities
    • R = Revenues
    • E = Expenses
    • Q = Equity
    The account type for the TOTAL_ACCOUNT element must be empty.
  • Schedule: Account assignment to a schedule. If any schedule is assigned, a detail planning must be completed for the account as part of the Budgeting & Planning application.
    • A = Assets
    • B = Receivables
    • C = Cash
    • D = Liabilities
    • E = Equity
  • Intercompany: Account assignment as an intercompany account. If intercompany is set to true, a detail planning must be completed for the account as part of the Budgeting & Planning application.
    • T = true
    • F = false
  • Method 1 - 4 (currency exchange method).
  • Segment 1 - 3: Account assignment to segments. If any segment is set to true, a detail planning must be completed for the account as part of the Budgeting & Planning application.
    • T = true
    • F = false
  • Customdetail: Controls the Custom Detail tab. If false, the tab is hidden.
    • ID of the alternate hierarchy.
    • F = false
  • Linedetail: Controls the Line Detail tab. If false, the tab is hidden.
    • T = true
    • F = false

In the sales area (TOTAL_SALES), there are several measures listed which are given by the sub plan sales and should not be changed.

The attribute fields, Level and Level Change, are used for calculation of difference for writeback to OLAP (technical attributes).

In the Workforce Budgeting area (TOTAL_WFB), there are also sub plan specific elements which should not be changed.

In the Workforce Planning area (TOTAL_WFD), there are also sub plan specific elements which should not be changed.

Related information:

  • Currently, data entry for Assets, Liabilities, and Revenues use a positive sign while a negative sign is used for Expenses. Therefore, the hierarchy are weighted with 1 on all levels.
  • Currently, all attribute fields must be defined using Designer.

Modification of the dimension:

There are load functions available to import customer-specific ledgers. Technical elements related to the sub plans are added automatically.

Interaction with sub plans:

Basically, account integration in the sub plans is not necessarily required. All financial data calculated within a sub plan must be transferred to the main cube of the Budgeting & Planning model to ensure a full integration of the sub plan.


The Intercompanies dimension reflects the internal organizational structure enhanced by an external structure.

All intercompany values are stored on the companies. All other values are stored on the external element.

Related information:

The use of the Intercompanies dimension must be activated as part of the configuration set definition.

Interaction with sub plans:

Sub plans always should use the Intercompanies dimension to ensure correct data transfer between the sub plans and the main cube of Budgeting & Planning. The Intercompanies dimension might not be used within a sub plan if intercompany values do not occur as part of the sub plan.


Segments can be used as customer-specific dimensions to separate business. For example, by business areas, products, or customer groups.

Within the Budgeting & Planning application there are two main areas where the segments can be used:

  • Financial planning steps. Using the Segment 1 - 3 attribute fields of the Accounts dimension, accounts can be assigned to detail values on segments. Based on this configuration, data entry must be specified on detail data entry pages if the account is activated for one or more segments.
  • Sales planning: In addition to Organizations elements, the segments are used to reflect the required structures in relation to the sales planning process. A specific sales configuration provides an activation of relations which must be part of the sales planning process. Financial data calculated based on the sales planning process and transferred to the main cube are separated by the segments as configured and entered as part of the sales plan.

Additional dimension requirements related to customer-specific dimensions should be integrated by additional sub plans. The segments 1 – 3 should reflect the relation to consolidation and financial purposes, while additional dimensions can differentiate the data entry based on the sub plan.

Related information:

The usage of the segments must be activated as part of the configuration set definition in the order primary, secondary, and tertiary segment.

Modification of the dimension:

There are load functions available to import customer-specific structures.

Interaction with sub plans:

The segments can be used for sub plans.