Currency exchange
This cube is used to handle multiple rates for currency conversion like historical rates.
Dimensions | Description |
BPDTIME | Time |
BPDCYCLE | Configuration set definition |
BPDVERSION | Data versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast |
EXDTYPE | Stores historical rates |
BPDENTITY | Legal company / entity structure of the organization |
BPDINTERCOMPANY | Reflects the organizational structure enhanced by an internal/external structure
Related to rate type HI |
BPDACCOUNT | Chart of accounts and additional figures / measures of sub plans
Related to rate type H |
BPDDETAIL | Includes schedule details |
EXDCCURRENCY | Includes the company currencies |
EXDGCURRENCY | Includes the group currencies |
EXDRATE | Includes the exchange rate types |
This cube is used for the currency exchange configuration.
Dimensions | Description |
BPDCYCLE | Configuration set definition |
BPDVERSION | Data versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast |
BPDCURRENCY | Currencies of the organization |
BPDPARAMETER | Main parameter dimension |
BPDLANGUAGE | Language dimension |