Dynamic attributes


This cube is used for employee dynamic attributes.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDORGANIZATIONOrganization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
BPDSTEPReflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension)
WBDPOSITIONApplication item dimension
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension
WBDEMPLOYEEApplication item dimension
ATDATTRIBUTE_EMPLOYEEDynamic attribute dimension


This cube is used for job dynamic attributes.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDORGANIZATIONOrganization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
BPDSTEPReflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension)
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension
WBDJOBApplication item dimension
ATDATTRIBUTE_JOBDynamic attribute dimension


This cube is used for request dynamic attributes.

Note: This cube is not used at this time.
BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDORGANIZATIONOrganization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
BPDSTEPReflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension)
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension
CPDREQUESTApplication item dimension
ATDATTRIBUTE_REQUESTDynamic attributes dimension


This cube is used for item dynamic attributes.

Note: This cube is not used at this time.
BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDORGANIZATIONOrganization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
BPDSTEPReflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension)
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension
CPDITEMApplication item dimension
ATDATTRIBUTE_ITEMDynamic attribute dimension


This cube is used for item dynamic attributes.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDORGANIZATIONOrganization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
BPDSTEPReflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension)
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension
WPDPOSITIONApplication item dimension
ATDATTRIBUTE_POSITIONDynamic attribute dimension


This cube is used for organization dynamic attributes.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
BPDSTEPReflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension)
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension
BPDORGANIZATIONApplication item dimension
ATDATTRIBUTE_ORGANIZATION Dynamic attribute dimension


This cube is used for account dynamic attributes.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDORGANIZATIONOrganization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
BPDSTEPReflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension)
BPDANALYSIS_01 - 12Customer or industry-specific dimensions that offer additional analysis for individual customer requirements
#SYSUSRSystem generated dimension containing user of the Repository
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension
BPDPARAMETERMain parameter dimension
BPDACCOUNTChart of accounts and additional figures / measures of sub plans
ATDATTRIBUTE_ACCOUNTDynamic attribute dimension


This cube is used for detail dynamic attributes.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDORGANIZATIONOrganization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
BPDSTEPReflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension)
BPDACCOUNTChart of accounts and additional figures / measures of sub plans
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension
BPDDETAILSchedule details
ATDATTRIBUTE_DETAILDynamic attribute dimension used for detail lines, custom lines, and asset categories


This cube is used for analysis dynamic attributes.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDORGANIZATIONOrganization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
BPDSTEPReflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension)
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension
BPDANALYSIS_01Custom dimension
ATDATTRIBUTE_ANALYSIS_01Dynamic attributes dimension


This cube is used for analysis dynamic attributes.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDORGANIZATIONOrganization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
BPDSTEPReflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension)
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension
BPDANALYSIS_02Custom dimension
ATDATTRIBUTE_ANALYSIS_02Dynamic attributes dimension


This cube is used for analysis dynamic attributes.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDORGANIZATIONOrganization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
BPDSTEPReflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension)
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension
BPDANALYSIS_03Custom dimension
ATDATTRIBUTE_ANALYSIS_03Dynamic attributes dimension


This cube is used for analysis dynamic attributes.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDORGANIZATIONOrganization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
BPDSTEPReflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension)
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension
BPDANALYSIS_04Custom dimension
ATDATTRIBUTE_ANALYSIS_04Dynamic attributes dimension


This cube is used for analysis dynamic attributes.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDORGANIZATIONOrganization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
BPDSTEPReflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension)
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension
BPDANALYSIS_05Custom dimension
ATDATTRIBUTE_ANALYSIS_05Dynamic attributes dimension


This cube is used for analysis dynamic attributes.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDORGANIZATIONOrganization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
BPDSTEPReflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension)
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension
BPDANALYSIS_06Custom dimension
ATDATTRIBUTE_ANALYSIS_06Dynamic attributes dimension


This cube is used for analysis dynamic attributes.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDORGANIZATIONOrganization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
BPDSTEPReflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension)
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension
BPDANALYSIS_07Custom dimension
ATDATTRIBUTE_ANALYSIS_07Dynamic attributes dimension


This cube is used for analysis dynamic attributes.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDORGANIZATIONOrganization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
BPDSTEPReflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension)
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension
BPDANALYSIS_08Custom dimension
ATDATTRIBUTE_ANALYSIS_08Dynamic attributes dimension


This cube is used for analysis dynamic attributes.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDORGANIZATIONOrganization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
BPDSTEPReflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension)
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension
BPDANALYSIS_09Custom dimension
ATDATTRIBUTE_ANALYSIS_09Dynamic attributes dimension


This cube is used for analysis dynamic attributes.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDORGANIZATIONOrganization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
BPDSTEPReflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension)
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension
BPDANALYSIS_10Custom dimension
ATDATTRIBUTE_ANALYSIS_10Dynamic attributes dimension


This cube is used for analysis dynamic attributes.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDORGANIZATIONOrganization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
BPDSTEPReflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension)
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension
BPDANALYSIS_11Custom dimension
ATDATTRIBUTE_ANALYSIS_11Dynamic attributes dimension


This cube is used for analysis dynamic attributes.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDORGANIZATIONOrganization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
BPDSTEPReflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension)
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension
BPDANALYSIS_12Custom dimension
ATDATTRIBUTE_ANALYSIS_12Dynamic attributes dimension


This cube is used for analysis dynamic attributes.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDORGANIZATIONOrganization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
BPDSTEPReflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension)
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension
BPDPSEGMENTPrimary segment for financial purposes
ATDATTRIBUTE_PSEGMENTDynamic attributes dimension


This cube is used for analysis dynamic attributes.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDORGANIZATIONOrganization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
BPDSTEPReflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension)
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension
BPDSSEGMENTSecondary segment for financial purposes
ATDATTRIBUTE_SSEGMENTDynamic attributes dimension


This cube is used for analysis dynamic attributes.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDVERSIONData versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast
BPDORGANIZATIONOrganization or cost center structure within the legal entities
BPDENTITYLegal company / entity structure of the organization
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
BPDSTEPReflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension)
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension
BPDTSEGMENTTertiary segment for financial purposes
ATDATTRIBUTE_TSEGMENTDynamic attributes dimension


This cube stores driver dynamic attributes.

Dimensions Description
BPDCYCLE Configuration set definition
BPDVERSION Data versions such as actuals and budget
BPDENTITY Legal Company / entity structure of the organization
WDDDRIVER Driver dimension
ATDATTRIBUTE_DRIVER Driver dynamic attributes dimension


This cube stores calculation method dynamic attributes.

Dimensions Description
BPDCYCLE Configuration set definition
BPDVERSION Data versions such as actuals and budget.
BPDENTITY Legal Company / entity structure of the organization
WDDCALC_METHOD Calculation method
ATDATTRIBUTE_CALC_METHOD Calculation method dynamic attributes dimension


This cube stores period dynamic attributes.

Dimensions Description
BPDVERSION Data versions such as actuals and budget
WDDCALC_METHOD Calculation method
WDDPERIOD Period dimension - this serves as a timestamp (when the data has been entered)
ATDATTRIBUTE_PERIOD Period dynamic attributes dimension


This cube stores employee custom dynamic attributes.

Dimensions Description
BPDCYCLE Configuration set definition
BPDVERSION Data versions such as actuals and budget
BPDORGANIZATION Organization or cost center structure
WDDPERIOD Period dimension - this serves as a timestamp (when the data has been entered)
BPDENTITY Legal Company / entity structure of the organization
WBDPOSITION Position dimension
WBDEMPLOYEE Employee dimension
ATDATTRIBUTE_EMPLOYEE_CUSTOM Custom employee dynamic attributes dimension