Workforce Budgeting
This cube contains the results of the calculation engine.
Dimensions | Description |
BPDCYCLE | Configuration set definition |
WPDPERIOD | Periods, can be defined as year, quarter, month, week or pay period |
BPDTIME | Time |
BPDVERSION | Data versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast |
WBDACTION | Placeholder dimension that represents the calculated budgeting actions for an employee |
BPDENTITY | Legal company / entity structure of the organization |
BPDORGANIZATION | Organization or cost center structure within the legal entities |
BPDCURRENCY | Currencies of the organization |
WBDCALCULATION_TYPE | Placeholder dimension representing an action or calculation category |
WBD_BENEFITCOST | Placeholder dimension representing an action or calculation category |
WBDBC_RANGE | Placeholder dimension for range configuration (incl. caps). Benefits and costs which do not have ranges only use first element |
WBDJOB | Job classes |
WBDPOSITION | Positions |
WBDEMPLOYEE | Employees |
BPDPARAMETER | Main parameter dimension |
This cube provides configurations and mappings between the Time and Workforce Budgeting periods.
Dimensions | Description |
BPDCYCLE | Configuration set definition |
BPDENTITY | Legal company / entity structure of the organization |
BPDORGANIZATION | Organization or cost center structure within the legal entities |
BPDTIME | Time |
WBDPERIOD | Periods, can be defined as year, quarter, month, week or pay period |
WBDDAY | Day dimension |
BPDPARAMETER | Main parameter dimension |
This cube stores details of individual budgeting actions for an employee, including calculation order. It also stores the activation indicator of jobs, positions, and employees.
Dimensions | Description |
BPDCYCLE | Configuration set definition |
BPDVERSION | Data versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast |
WBDACTION | A placeholder dimension representing the budgeting actions assigned to an employee, position or job |
BPDENTITY | Legal company / entity structure of the organization |
BPDORGANIZATION | Organization or cost center structure within of the legal entities |
BPDSTEP | Step dimensions reflect the changes made based on the workflow for one level |
WBD_BENEFITCOST | Placeholder dimension |
WBDJOB | Job classes |
WBCPOSITION | Positions |
WBDEMPLOYEE | Employees |
BPDPARAMETER | Main parameter dimension |
This cube stores the Workforce Budgeting allocation configuration for each position and employee.
Dimensions | Description |
BPDCYCLE | Configuration set definition |
BPDVERSION | Data versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast |
BPDENTITY | Legal company / entity structure of the organization |
WBDPOSITION | Positions |
WBCEMPLOYEE | Employees |
BPDNO | Flat placeholder dimension |
BPDORGANIZATION | Organization or cost center structure within of the legal entities |
BPDPSEGMENT | Primary segment for financial purposes |
BPDSSEGMENT | Secondary segment for financial purposes |
BPDTSEGMENT | Tertiary segment |
BPDANALYSIS 01 - 12 | Customer or industry-specific dimensions that offer additional analysis for individual customer requirements |
BPDPARAMETER | Main parameter dimension |
This cube stores the configuration of benefits and costs.
Dimensions | Description |
BPDCYCLE | Configuration set definition |
BPDVERSION | Data versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast |
BPDSTEP | Reflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension) |
BPDCURRENCY | Currencies of the organization |
WBD_BENEFITCOST | Placeholder dimension |
WBDBC_RANGE | Used to identify ranges for benefits/costs that have ranges |
BPDPARAMETER | Main parameter dimension |
This cube is used to store the configuration of benefits/costs that are based on other values (percent type benefits/costs).
Dimensions | Description |
BPDCYCLE | Configuration set definition |
BPDVERSION | Data versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast |
BPDSTEP | Reflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension) |
WBD_BENEFITCOST | Placeholder dimension |
WBD_BASEDON_BENEFITCOST | Placeholder dimension |
This cube stores the Workforce Budgeting longevity rules configuration.
Dimensions | Description |
BPDCYCLE | Configuration set definition |
BPDVERSION | Data versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast |
WBDLONGEVITY | Placeholder dimension |
BPDNO | Flat placeholder dimension |
BPDPARAMETER | Main parameter dimension |
This cube stores phasing methods.
Dimensions | Description |
WBDPHASING | Phasing methods |
WBDPERIOD | Periods, can be defined as year, quarter, month, week or pay period |
BPDLANGUAGE | Language dimension |
This cube stores progression rules.
Dimensions | Description |
BPDCYCLE | Configuration set definition |
BPDVERSION | Data version as actuals, projection, budget, forecast etc. |
WBDPROGRESSION | Placeholder dimension |
BPDNO | Flat placeholder dimension |
BPDPARAMETER | Main parameter dimension |
This cube is used to store the configuration information for scenarios created by the user.
Dimensions | Description |
BPDCYCLE | Configuration set definition |
BPDVERSION | Data Version as actuals, projection, budget, forecast and so on |
WBD_BENEFITCOST | Pay / benefit action definitions |
WBCACTION | Pay / benefit action instance |
BPDPARAMETER | Main parameter dimension |
This cube stores the Workforce Budgeting configuration settings.
Dimensions | Description |
BPDCYCLE | Configuration set definition |
BPDPARAMETER | Main parameter dimension |
This cube stores step and grade table configuration.
Dimensions | Description |
BPDCYCLE | Configuration set definition |
BPDVERSION | Data version as actuals, projection, budget, forecast etc. |
BPDSTEP | Reflects the changes made based on the workflow for one level (element of the Levels dimension) |
BPDENTITY | Legal company / entity structure of the organization |
BPDORGANIZATION | Organization or cost center structure within of the legal entities |
BPDCURRENCY | Currencies of the organization |
WBDSG_TABLE | Step and Grade salary schedules |
WBDSB_GRADE | Grades within a salary schedule |
WBDSG_STEP | Incremental steps within a grade |
BPDNO | Flat placeholder dimension |
BPDPARAMETER | Main parameter dimension |