Global configuration
This is a placeholder cube.
Dimensions | Description |
#_TAB_ | System generated dimension that contains cubes |
#_DIM_ | System generated dimension that contains dimensions |
#_SYSUSER | System generated dimension containing user of the Repository |
#_GRP_ | System generated dimension containing OLAP permission roles of the Repository |
BPDPARAMETER | Main parameter dimension |
BPDNAVIGATION | System dimension navigation (placeholder) |
BPDCONFIGURATION | Budgeting & Planning configuration / settings of Designer |
ATDLIST | Each hierarchy represents a list of options that can be used in dynamic attributes |
This cube is used for the global configuration set definition in Budgeting & Planning. It also stores global activation flags for modules and dimensions
Dimensions | Description |
BPDCYCLE | Configuration set definition |
BPDVERSION | Data versions such as actuals, projection, budget, and forecast |
BPDPARAMETER | Main parameter dimension |
BPDLANGUAGE | Language dimension |
This cube is used for the global assignment between the legal entities and the organization elements (relevant organization elements per entity).
Dimensions | Description |
BPDCYCLE | Configuration set definition |
BPDVERSION | Version of configuration set as Budget, Forecast etc. |
BPDENTITY | Legal company / entity structure of the organization |
BPDINTERCOMPANY | Reflects the organizational structure enhanced by an internal/external structure |
BPDORGANIZATION | Organization or cost center structure within the legal entities |
BPDPARAMETER | Main parameter dimension |
This cube is used for the global assignment between the legal entities and the three segments if all three segments are in use for a configuration set (relevant organization elements per entity).
Dimensions | Description |
BPDCYCLE | Configuration set definition |
BPDVERSION | Version of configuration set as Budget, Forecast etc. |
BPDENTITY | Legal company / entity structure of the organization |
BPDPSEGMENT | Primary segment for financial purposes |
BPDSSEGMENT | Secondary segment for financial purposes |
BPDTSEGMENT | Tertiary segment for financial purposes |
BPDPARAMETER | Main parameter dimension |
This configuration cube is used for the global assignment between the legal entities / organization and the possible usage of the 12 analysis dimensions.
This cube is not used.
Dimensions | Description |
BPDCYCLE | Configuration set definition |
BPDVERSION | Version of Configuration Set as Budget, Forecast and so on |
BPDENTITY | Legal company / entity structure of the organization |
BPDORGANIZATION | Organization or cost center structure within the legal entities |
BPDANALYSIS 01 - 12 | Customer or industry-specific dimensions that offer additional analysis for individual customer requirements |
This cube stores a long description for display in navigation.
Dimensions | Description |
BPDPARAMETER | Main parameter dimension |
BPDNAVIGATION | Navigation dimension |
BPDLANGUAGE | Language dimension |
This cube stores temporary configuration for user.
Dimensions | Description |
BPDLANGUAGE | Language dimension |
#_SysUsr | System users dimension |
BPDPARAMETER | Main parameter dimension |