Currency dimension

Currency dimensions (Group Currencies, Currencies, Company Currencies) are created in the System Configuration node when you select company and group currencies in the Currency Settings view of the Budgeting & Planning business model. To define company and group currencies, select the appropriate check box of a currency in the Company Currency and Group Currency columns. After selecting the appropriate check box, you must recreate the related currency dimensions or recreate the OLAP database.

You can create analysis rate sets using the Currency Settings tab in Designer. This tab is available under Planning Settings. To add an analysis rate set, in the last row on the tab, click Click to create a new currency rate set. Then specify a name, select a version and a currency. You can only select one existing element from the Version dimension. You can select multiple currencies.

  • You can select one currency as group currency. If you select two or more elements, only the first one is assigned as group currency.
  • When you add a new currency as company currency in the Currency Settings node, this currency is not yet visible in the OLAP database, because a currency conversion rule does not exist. You must restart the creation of the currency conversion rules.