This function is used only in the reports that are viewed in the web. The function renders the HTML Code in a cell. In Dashboards, the Application Studio cell formatting is not rendered in a cell with the HTLM function. You must include formatting in the HTML Code of the HTML formula.
This example shows a button in a cell:
=HTML("<button>This is a Button</button>")
This HTML formula and Java script enable the writeback of a value:
=HTML("<a href='#' onclick='javascript:doWriteBack();'>Submit</a>")
can use this formula with a WBC function, for example.This is an example of the cell, which includes all formatting of HTML
=HTML(<div style="text-align: right;"><span style="font-size: 28px; font-family: source sans pro, Helvetica, Arial; color:2f2f32;">%value%</span><span style="font-size: 14px; font-family: source sans pro, Helvetica, Arial; color:2f2f32; margin-left:3px;">%valueUnit%</span></div>)
In the example, the tags enclosed by the %
sign are placeholders,
for a current value from the report.