Enum functions



ActivityStatus enum encapsulates values for the status of Activity in Modeling.

Enum Member Summary
NotStarted Activity status NotStarted. This enum value is identical to the constant ActivityStatusNotStarted.
Open Activity status Open. This enum value is identical to the constant ActivityStatusOpen.
Submitted Activity status Submitted. This enum value is identical to the constant ActivityStatusSubmitted.
Closed Activity status Closed. This enum value is identical to the constant ActivityStatusClosed.

Supported Runtime Versions




ApplicationPermission enum.

Enum Member Summary
ViewApplication Application permission ViewApplication. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionViewApplication.
EditApplication Application permission EditApplication. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionEditApplication.
AdministerApplication Application permission AdministerApplication. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionAdministerApplication.
ViewDashboards Application permission ViewDashboards. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionViewDashboards.
EditDashboards Application permission EditDashboards. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionEditDashboards.
ViewOlapModel Application permission ViewOlapModel. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionViewOlapModel.
EditOlapModel Application permission EditOlapModel. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionEditOlapModel.
ViewOlapMappings Application permission ViewOlapMappings. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionViewOlapMappings.
EditOlapMappings Application permission EditOlapMappings. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionEditOlapMappings.
ViewRelationalObjects Application permission ViewRelationalObjects. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionViewRelationalObjects.
EditRelationalObjects Application permission EditRelationalObjects. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionEditRelationalObjects.
ViewOlap Application permission ViewOlap. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionViewOlap.
EditOlap Application permission EditOlap. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionEditOlap.
ImportOlapValues Application permission ImportOlapValues. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionImportOlapValues.
EditDimensions Application permission EditDimensions. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionEditDimensions.
EditRules Application permission EditRules. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionEditRules.
AdministerOlapDatabases Application permission AdministerOlapDatabases. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionAdministerOlapDatabases.
WriteValues Application permission WriteValues. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionWriteValues.
ViewReports Application permission ViewReports. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionViewReports.
EditReports Application permission EditReports. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionEditReports.
BrowseFolderStructure Application permission BrowseFolderStructure. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionBrowseFolderStructure.
CreateSchedule Application permission CreateSchedule. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionCreateSchedule.
AdministerSchedules Application permission AdministerSchedules. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionAdministerSchedules.
UseAdhoc Application permission UseAdhoc. This enum value is identical to the constant ApplicationPermissionUseAdhoc.

Supported Runtime Versions




Enum AsyncExecutionFlags.

Enum Member Summary
None Async Execution flag None.
BackgroundProcess Async Process Execution will be marked as a background process execution.
UseNewTraceId Async Process Execution will use new trace ID.

Supported Runtime Versions




Enum AsyncOperationStatus encapsulates constants for the execution status of processes.

Enum Member Summary
Unknown Process status Unknown.
NotStarted Process status Not Started.
Queued Process status Queued.
Running Process status Running.
Cancelled Process status Cancelled.
Cancelling Process status Cancelling.
Succeeded Process status Completed.
Failed Process status Failed.
Timeout Process status Timeout.

Supported Runtime Versions




The asyncOperationType enum encapsulates constants to specify the type of asynchronous operation IDs.

Enum Member Summary
ProcessExecution Asynchronous BI# process.
BookExport Asynchronous book export.
LakehouseQuery Asynchronous Lakehouse DataLoad Query.
LakehouseScript Asynchronous Lakehouse DataLoad Script.

Supported Runtime Versions




AuthenticationSystem enum encapsulates authentication system types for repository access.

Enum Member Summary
Basic Authentication system Basic. This enum value is identical to the constant AuthenticationSystemBasic.
LDAP Authentication system LDAP. This enum value is identical to the constant AuthenticationSystemLDAP.
IFS Authentication system InforFS. This enum value is identical to the constant AuthenticationSystemIFS.

Supported Runtime Versions




BookExportDocumentType enumerates report document types for BookExport.

Enum Member Summary
Standard The report will be exported as a standard page of the report book.
CoverPage The report will be exported as a cover page of the report book.
CommentaryPage The report will be exported as a commentary page of the report book.
TableOfContent The report will be exported as a table of content of the report book.
BurstingController The report will be exported as a bursting controller.

Supported Runtime Versions




Enum BookExportImageType encapsulates constants for the image output types of the report book.

Enum Member Summary
Png The report book should be exported to the PNG image type.
Jpg The report book should be exported to the JPG image type.

Supported Runtime Versions




Enum BookExportOutputType encapsulates constants for the output types of the export of the report book.

Enum Member Summary
Pdf The report book should be exported to PDF.
Excel The report book should be exported to Excel.
ExcelValue The report book should be exported to ExcelValue.
Powerpoint The report book should be exported to Powerpoint.
Images The report book should be exported to Images.

Supported Runtime Versions




BookExportProfileType enum.

Enum Member Summary
Full BookExport Profile Type Full.
Diff BookExport Profile Type Differential.

Supported Runtime Versions




BookExportSelectionMode enumerates report parameter selection modes for BookExport.

Enum Member Summary
Automatic BookExport Selection Mode Automatic.
AllElements BookExport Selection Mode AllElements.
Selection BookExport Selection Mode Selection.

Supported Runtime Versions




Enum BookExportSelectionType encapsulates constants for selection types in report books.

Enum Member Summary
Member BookExportSelectionType Member.
Parent BookExportSelectionType Parent.
Children BookExportSelectionType Children.
Siblings BookExportSelectionType Siblings.
Descendants BookExportSelectionType Descendants.
Set BookExportSelectionType Set.
Level BookExportSelectionType Level.
Range BookExportSelectionType Range.
RangeOnLevel BookExportSelectionType RangeOnLevel.
RangeOverLevels BookExportSelectionType RangeOverLevels.
CustomMdx BookExportSelectionType CustomMdx. It is not supported at the moment.

Supported Runtime Versions




Business object type.

Enum Member Summary
Account The accounts. This enum value is identical to the BusinessObjectTypeAccount constant.
Analysis01 The analysis01. This enum value is identical to the BusinessObjectTypeAnalysis01 constant.
Analysis02 The analysis02. This enum value is identical to the BusinessObjectTypeAnalysis02 constant.
Analysis03 The analysis03. This enum value is identical to the BusinessObjectTypeAnalysis03 constant.
Analysis04 The analysis04. This enum value is identical to the BusinessObjectTypeAnalysis04 constant.
Analysis05 The analysis05. This enum value is identical to the BusinessObjectTypeAnalysis05 constant.
Analysis07 The analysis07. This enum value is identical to the BusinessObjectTypeAnalysis07 constant.
Analysis08 The analysis08. This enum value is identical to the BusinessObjectTypeAnalysis08 constant.
Analysis09 The analysis09. This enum value is identical to the BusinessObjectTypeAnalysis09 constant.
Analysis10 The analysis10. This enum value is identical to the BusinessObjectTypeAnalysis10 constant.
Analysis11 The analysis11. This enum value is identical to the BusinessObjectTypeAnalysis11 constant.
Entity The entities. This enum value is identical to the BusinessObjectTypeEntity constant.
Organization The organization. This enum value is identical to the BusinessObjectTypeOrganization constant.
PrimarySegment The primary segment. This enum value is identical to the BusinessObjectTypePrimarySegment constant.
SecondarySegment The secondary segment. This enum value is identical to the BusinessObjectTypeSecondarySegment constant.
TertiarySegment The tertiary segment. This enum value is identical to the BusinessObjectTypeTertiarySegment constant.
GroupAccount The group account. This enum value is identical to the BusinessObjectTypeGroupAccount constant.
CashFlowGroupAccount The cash flow group account. This enum value is identical to the CashFlowGroupAccount constant.
Group The group. This enum value is identical to the BusinessObjectTypeGroup constant.
Schedule The schedule. This enum value is identical to the BusinessObjectTypeSchedule constant.
ScheduleDetail The schedule detail. This enum value is identical to the BusinessObjectTypeScheduleDetail constant.

Supported Runtime Versions




DataPermission enum.

Enum Member Summary
ViewOlap Data permission ViewOlap. This enum value is identical to the constant DataPermissionViewOlap.
EditOlap Data permission EditOlap. This enum value is identical to the constant DataPermissionEditOlap.
ImportOlapValues Data permission ImportOlapValues. This enum value is identical to the constant DataPermissionImportOlapValues.
EditDimensions Data permission EditDimensions. This enum value is identical to the constant DataPermissionEditDimensions.
EditRules Data permission EditRules. This enum value is identical to the constant DataPermissionEditRules.
AdministerOlapDatabases Data permission AdministerOlapDatabases. This enum value is identical to the constant DataPermissionAdministerOlapDatabases.
WriteValues Data permission WriteValues. This enum value is identical to the constant DataPermissionWriteValues.

Supported Runtime Versions




Entity activity.

Enum Member Summary
Total "Total_Status" element. This enum value is identical to the constant EntityActivityTotal.
EntityParameter "Entity Parameter" element. This enum value is identical to the constant EntityActivityEntityParameter.
EntityProfitMargin "Entity Profit Margin" element. This enum value is identical to the constant EntityActivityEntityProfitMargin.
CarryForwardSchedules "Carry Forward Schedules" element. This enum value is identical to the constant EntityActivityCarryForwardSchedules.
RolloverJournals "Rollover Journals" element. This enum value is identical to the constant EntityActivityRolloverJournals.
InputAndImportData "Trial Balance Input and Import Entity Data" element. This enum value is identical to the constant EntityActivityInputAndImportData.
HistoricalExchangeRates "Historical Exchange Rates" element. This enum value is identical to the constant EntityActivityHistoricalExchangeRates.
IntercompanyMatching "IC Matching" element. This enum value is identical to the constant EntityActivityIntercompanyMatching.
Journals "Journals" element. This enum value is identical to the constant EntityActivityJournals.
RecurringJournals "Recurring Journals" element. This enum value is identical to the constant EntityActivityRecurringJournals.
CashFlow "Cash Flow" element. This enum value is identical to the constant EntityActivityCashFlow.

Supported Runtime Versions




Global activity.

Enum Member Summary
StandardExchangeRates "Standard Exchange Rates" element. This enum value is identical to the constant GlobalActivityStandardExchangeRates.
Ownership "Ownership" element. This enum value is identical to the constant GlobalActivityOwnership.
CashFlowParameter "Cash Flow Parameter" element. This enum value is identical to the constant GlobalActivityCashFlowParameter.

Supported Runtime Versions




GroupActivity enum encapsulates values for group activities in Modeling.

Enum Member Summary
Total "Total_Status" element. This enum value is identical to the constant GroupActivityTotal.
GroupParameter "Group Parameter" element. This enum value is identical to the constant GroupActivityGroupParameter.
SumUpBalance "Sum up Balance" element. This enum value is identical to the constant GroupActivitySumUpBalance.
RolloverJournals "Rollover Journals" element. This enum value is identical to the constant GroupActivityRolloverJournals.
ConsolidationProcesses "Consolidation Processes" element. This enum value is identical to the constant GroupActivityConsolidationProcesses.
Journals "Journals" element. This enum value is identical to the constant GroupActivityJournals.
RecurringJournals "Recurring Journals" element.
GroupCashFlow "Group Cash Flow" element.

Supported Runtime Versions




Enum GroupProperty.

Enum Member Summary
Description Group property Descript. This enum value is identical to the constant GroupPropertyDescription.
Enabled Group property Enabled. This enum value is identical to the constant GroupPropertyEnabled.
StartDate Group property StartDate. This enum value is identical to the constant GroupPropertyStartDate.
EndDate Group property EndDate. This enum value is identical to the constant GroupPropertyEndDate.
Identifier Group property Identifier. This enum value is identical to the constant GroupPropertyIdentifier.

Supported Runtime Versions




Integration data import type.

Enum Member Summary
FinancialData Financial data. This enum value is identical to the constant IntegrationDataImportTypeFinancialData.
ExchangeRates Exchange rates. This enum value is identical to the constant IntegrationDataImportTypeExchangeRates.

Supported Runtime Versions




Integration import type.

Enum Member Summary
AddAndUpdate Add and update. This enum value is identical to the constant IntegrationImportTypeAddAndUpdate.
Replace Replace. This enum value is identical to the constant IntegrationImportTypeReplace.

Supported Runtime Versions




Enum MinglePrivacyLevel encapsulates constants for accessing Infor Ming.le messages.

Enum Member Summary
Private The message can only be seen by the recipient. This enum value is identical to the MinglePrivacyLevelPrivate constant.
Colleagues The message can be seen by the recipients and their colleagues. This enum value is identical to the MinglePrivacyLevelColleagues constant.
Public The message can be seen by all users. This enum value is identical to the MinglePrivacyLevelPublic constant.
Group The message can only be seen by the receiving group. This enum value is identical to the MinglePrivacyLevelGroup constant.

Supported Runtime Versions




Enum OLAPCubeType encapsulates types of OLAP cubes.

Enum Member Summary
User OLAP cube type User. A cube created by a user.
System OLAP cube type System. A system cube.
Perspective OLAP cube type Perspective. A perspective cube is an analogue of a relational view upon a cube in OLAP.
CubeAccessControl OLAP cube type CubeAccessControl. This cube contains permisssion for other cubes.
DimensionAccessControl OLAP cube type DimensionAccessControl. This cube contains permissions for element in a dimension.
RelationsAccessControl OLAP cube type RelationsAccessControl. A relational access cube contains permissions for cells in a cube, independently of user roles, for all users except admin (who has all permissions by default).

Supported Runtime Versions




Enum OlapSubsetAccess encapsulates constants for the level of access to subsets in the OLAP database.

Enum Member Summary
Public Subset access type Public. This enum value is identical to the OlapSubsetAccessPublic constant.
Private Subset access type Private. This enum value is identical to the OlapSubsetAccessPrivate constant.
All Subset access type All. This enum value is identical to the OlapSubsetAccessAll constant.

Supported Runtime Versions




Enum ProcessStatus encapsulates constants for the execution status of processes.

Enum Member Summary
Faulted Process status Faulted. This enum value is identical to the ProcessStatusFaulted constant.
Created Process status Created. This enum value is identical to the ProcessStatusCreated constant.
Running Process status Running. This enum value is identical to the ProcessStatusRunning constant.
Cancelled Process status Cancelled. This enum value is identical to the ProcessStatusCanceled constant.
Cancelling Process status Canceling. This enum value is identical to the constant ProcessStatusCanceling.
Completed Process status Completed. This enum value is identical to the ProcessStatusCompleted constant.

Supported Runtime Versions




RequestMethodType enum encapsulates request types for ION.

Enum Member Summary
Get RequestMethodType Get. This enum value is identical to the constant RequestMethodTypeGet.
Put RequestMethodType Put. This enum value is identical to the constant RequestMethodTypePut.
Post RequestMethodType Post. This enum value is identical to the constant RequestMethodTypePost.
Delete RequestMethodType Delete. This enum value is identical to the constant RequestMethodTypeDelete.
Head RequestMethodType Head. This enum value is identical to the constant RequestMethodTypeHead.
Options RequestMethodType Option. This enum value is identical to the constant RequestMethodTypeOptions.
Trace RequestMethodType Trace. This enum value is identical to the constant RequestMethodTypeTrace.

Supported Runtime Versions




RequestParameterType enum encapsulates ION request parameter types.

Enum Member Summary
Header RequestParameterType Header. This enum value is identical to the constant RequestParameterTypeHeader.
Path RequestParameterType Path. This enum value is identical to the constant RequestParameterTypePath.
Query RequestParameterType Query. This enum value is identical to the constant RequestParameterTypeQuery.
FormData RequestParameterType FormData. This enum value is identical to the constant RequestParameterTypeFormData.

Supported Runtime Versions




RoleProperty enum.

Enum Member Summary
Description Role property Description. This enum value is identical to the constant RolePropertyDescription.
Rank Role property Rank. This enum value is identical to the constant RolePropertyRank.

Supported Runtime Versions




RoleType enum.

Enum Member Summary
Application Role type Application. This enum value is identical to the constant RoleTypeApplication.
Data Role type Data. This enum value is identical to the constant RoleTypeData.

Supported Runtime Versions




Represents Repository Shared Media Type

Enum Member Summary
Sound Repository Shared Media Type Sound
Movie Repository Shared Media Type Movie
Icon Repository Shared Media Type Icon
Animation Repository Shared Media Type Animation
Picture Repository Shared Media Type Picture

Supported Runtime Versions




Enum SortOrder encapsulates values to control sorting.

Enum Member Summary
None None or default sort order.
Ascending Ascending sort order.
Descending Descending sort order.

Supported Runtime Versions




Enum SQLAlterIndexOp for altering SQL indexes.

Enum Member Summary
Reorganize Reorganize index.
Rebuild Rebuild index.

Supported Runtime Versions




Enum SqlDataType encapsulates constants for data types in the SQL database.

Enum Member Summary
String SQL data type String. This enum value is identical to the SqlDataTypeString constant.
Int SQL data type Int. This enum value is identical to the SqlDataTypeInt constant.
Double SQL data type Double. This enum value is identical to the SqlDataTypeDouble constant.
DateTime SQL data type DateTime. This enum value is identical to the SqlDataTypeDateTime constant.
Bool SQL data type Bool. This enum value is identical to the SqlDataTypeBool constant.

Supported Runtime Versions




Enum SQLIndexType.

Enum Member Summary
None Non-unique, non-clustered index.
Unique Non-clustered index.
Clustered Clustered index.

Supported Runtime Versions




Enum SQLPreparedCommandType encapsulates types of SQL prepared command.

Enum Member Summary
Text Text. The SQL command will execute a query.
StoredProcedure Stored Procedure. The SQL command will execute a stored procedure.
TableDirect Table Direct.

Supported Runtime Versions




Enum UserProperty.

Enum Member Summary
Description User property Description. This enum value is identical to the constant UserPropertyDescription.
Enabled User property Enabled. This enum value is identical to the constant UserPropertyEnabled.
StartDate User property StartDate. This enum value is identical to the constant UserPropertyStartDate.
EndDate User property EndDate. This enum value is identical to the constant UserPropertyEndDate.
Identifier User property Identifier. This enum value is identical to the constant UserPropertyIdentifier.

Supported Runtime Versions
