Creating and managing basic users

You can create basic users only if Infor EPM is running outside Infor Ming.le. In Infor Ming.le only IFS authentication is used.

To create a basic user:

  1. Select Dashboards > User and Permission Management > Users and User Groups.
  2. In the Users and User Groups widget, click the plus icon and select Create Basic User.
    If IFS or LDAP authentication is used, then the option is to register users or groups. If you register a group, then any member of that group who signs in becomes an implicit user. To view implicit users, click the gear icon in the Users and Groups widget and select Filters > Implicit User.
  3. Specify a user name.
  4. Optionally, you can specify these options:
    Specify a description to identify the user.
    The account is disabled
    Select the check box to disable the account.
    The account is restricted by a start date
    Select the check box and specify a date and time at which the account becomes available to use.
    The account is restricted by a start date
    Select the check box and specify a date and time at which the account ceases to be available.
  5. Click the Password tab and specify and confirm a password for the user.
  6. Optionally, you can specify that the user must change the password when they log in, or that the password never expires.
  7. Click the Password Rules tab to specify user-specific settings such as minimum password length.
    Note: By default, password rules are inherited from a global security policy. To change or apply a rule you must first clear its Inherited check box.
  8. Click OK.