Viewing system logs

System logs record issues that occur with the system or farm. In the log viewer, you can select a predefined log filter and, optionally, edit it to your requirements. For example, you might restrict the filter to return only log entries that contain a particular value.

In the log viewer, a column can be displayed for each filter. Click Columns and select the columns to display.

This topic describes the View System Logs dashboard. You can also access the logs for a selected database from these OLAP dashboards:

  • Cluster Nodes
  • Databases
  1. Select Dashboards > Logs > View System Logs.
  2. Optionally, click Predefined, select the log to view, and click Apply.
  3. Select one of these Time options:
    Option Descriptions
    Interval Select an interval. The default is the last 30 minutes.
    Specific Select a From date and time and a To date and time. The To date and time must be no later than the current date.
    Farm Components
    Select one or more components.
    Optionally, select a specific instance to view.
    By default all logging levels are selected. To specify the levels to view, select one or more levels from the list.
    Note: Debug logs become available 10 minutes after the actions that cause them occur.
    Optionally, use the Contains and Does not Contain fields to filter the log for specific values. Separate the values with commas.
  4. Optionally, click Show More and specify this information:
    A comma-separated list of users.
    Event IDs
    Optionally, specify one or more event IDs to view. Separate multiple IDs with a comma. To specify a range of IDs, use a hyphen. For example, 2004-2008. Leave the field blank to view all event IDs.
    In this and other fields, you can use the ! character for negative filtering.
    Service Components
    Specify the unique name of a component of the service, such as database connection, list, or attribute. For example, Infor.BI.Common.Security.Ifs.AttributeServiceMultiTenant.
    Component IDs
    If the service component to log has multiple instances within the same worker or manager, specify the ID of the required instance. If you leave this field blank, events are returned for all databases that are running.
    Session IDs
    A comma-separated list of session IDs.
    Process IDs
    A comma-separated list of process IDs.
  5. Click Apply Filters.
    Log entries that match your criteria are listed in the Log Entries widget. If you click the Apply Filters button, its label changes to Cancel Loading until the log query completes. During this time, you can cancel the log query. In the widget, you can select which columns of data from the log to display. To preview the details of a message, hover the mouse over the message in the Message column. Click the message to display its details in the Message pane.
    You can export the logs to .txt or .csv format. Click Export in the heading of the Log Entries widget.

    You can copy individual messages to the clipboard. Click Copy to clipboard in the message preview.