
Define how calculated Workforce Budgeting data for a position or employee is allocated across dimensions. Used when allocations are enabled in Workforce Budgeting.

There are these two types of allocation:

  • Position level. Specify the PositionID field to configure the action.
  • Position assignment level. Specify the PositionID and EmployeeID fields to configure the action.

The table WFB_Allocation.

The Allocation business object is used in these dimensions and cubes:

  • Dimensions
    • Workforce Budgeting Allocation (WBDALLOCATION)
  • Cubes
    • WFB Allocation Configuration (WBCCONFIG_ALLOCATION)

Allocation elements are created during the import process by the application in the WBDALLOCATION dimension which is in the WBDALLOCATION hierarchy under TOTAL_ALLOCATION.

The Allocation business object is related to these business objects:

  • Entity
  • Organization
  • Position
  • Employee
  • Segment
  • Analysis

This table describes the Allocation business object:

Field Type Required Description
Entity [nvarchar] (200)


Y Unique entity ID in the Entity business object that is activated in the configuration set.
Organization [nvarchar] (200)


Y Unique organization ID in the Organization business object.
PositionID [nvarchar] (200)


Y Unique position ID in the Position business object.

The related table is Position, the field is PositionID.

EmployeeID [nvarchar] (200)


Y/N Unique employee ID in the Employee business object.

The related table is Employee, the field is EmployeeID.

PrimarySegment [nvarchar] (200)


N Valid primary segment in the Segment business object.

The default and incorrect reference is set to N.A.

SecondarySegment [nvarchar] (200)


N Valid secondary segment in the Segment business object.

The default and incorrect reference is set to N.A.

TertiarySegment [nvarchar] (200)


N Valid tertiary segment in the Segment business object.

The default and incorrect reference is set to N.A.

Analysis01 [nvarchar] (200)


N Valid analysis from the Analysis business object.

The default and incorrect reference is set to N.A.

Analysis02 [nvarchar] (200)


N Valid analysis from the Analysis business object.

The default and incorrect reference is set to N.A.

Analysis03 [nvarchar] (200)


N Valid analysis from the Analysis business object.

The default and incorrect reference is set to N.A.

Analysis04 [nvarchar] (200)


N Valid analysis from the Analysis business object.

The default and incorrect reference is set to N.A.

Analysis05 [nvarchar] (200)


N Valid analysis from the Analysis business object.

The default and incorrect reference is set to N.A.

Analysis07 [nvarchar] (200)


N Valid analysis from the Analysis business object.

The default and incorrect reference is set to N.A.

Analysis08 [nvarchar] (200)


N Valid analysis from the Analysis business object.

The default and incorrect reference is set to N.A.

Analysis09 [nvarchar] (200)


N Valid analysis from the Analysis business object.

The default and incorrect reference is set to N.A.

Analysis10 [nvarchar] (200)


N Valid analysis from the Analysis business object.

The default and incorrect reference is set to N.A.

Analysis11 [nvarchar] (200)


N Valid analysis from the Analysis business object.

The default and incorrect reference is set to N.A.

Home [bit]


Y Home organization.

These values are valid:

  • 1 indicates home allocation.
  • 0 indicates that is not home allocation.

There is no default.

EffectiveStart [datetime]


N Effective start of the allocation.

If empty, defaults to the start date of the configuration set.

EffectiveEnd [datetime]


N Effective end of the allocation.

If empty, defaults to the end date of the configuration set.

Percent [float] (53)


Y Percent of the allocation expressed as a number without division by 100.

Maximum in total should not each 100.