Employee roster grid
The grid shows all active employees with position assignments for the selected context and open vacancies.
To display employee roster data, select
and select the context.Click the Columns icon to select columns to be displayed in the grid. You can select an ID or name, or both for the selected business objects. You can select the name or the last name, or both for employees. Use the grid filters to limit displayed data.
Select an employee position assignment or vacant position to view the Actions and Allocations tabs.
Use the Employee Roster page to perform these actions:
- Add a position. You can create a new position and add it as a position assignment to a selected employee.
- Add an employee. You can create a new employee, add them to a position assignment and adjust their workforce costs.
- Calculate data. You make adjustments on the Employee Roster page that change workforce costs. When you adjust budget data, run recalculation to update displayed data.
- Run allocations. When you adjust budget data, run allocations to update financial data.
- Access the Workforce Detail Report page or Data Transfer page directly from the Employee Roster page.
- Select employee roster Columns. You can view the aggregated salary, benefit and supplemental pay costs, costs for the selected salary increase, benefit, or a pay, system and user-defined employee and assignment attributes.
- Define display options for the grid data. Click the Data icon to select a scaling option and the number of decimal points to be displayed for numeric values. You can also remove all applied table filters or hide table filters.
- Export data. You can view and filter employee costs in an .xls format or print a PDF.