Application Engine
Creating, modifying and deleting indexes on Staging tables
New B# functions to create, modify, and remove indexes on SQL tables have been introduced. The index-related functions are supported only for the Staging database connection. View Relational Objects and Edit Relational Objects modeling permission is required.
These functions are used to create unique/nonunique, clustered/non-clustered indexes on existing tables:
void SQLCreateIndex(SQLConnection conn, string tableName, string indexName, SQLIndexTypetype, StringList keyColumns)
void SQLCreateIndex(SQLConnection conn, string tableName, string indexName, SQLIndexTypetype, StringList keyColumns, VariantList keyColumnsSorting)
void SQLCreateIndex(SQLConnection conn, string tableName, string indexName, SQLIndexTypetype, StringList keyColumns, VariantList keyColumnsSorting, bool dropExisting, StringList includedColumns)
This function is used to query existing indexes:
StringList SQLGetIndexNames(SQLConnection conn, string
This function is used to query the type of an existing index:
SQLIndexType SQLGetIndexType(SQLConnection conn, string tableName,
string indexName)
This function modifies an existing table by rebuilding or reorganizing the index:
void SQLAlterIndex(SQLConnection conn, string tableName, string
indexName, SQLAlterIndexOpalterIndexOp)
This function removes an existing index:
void SQLDropIndex(SQLConnection conn, string tableName, string
indexName, bool ifExists)
These functions are complemented by new index-related enumerations for a better user experience when writing processes. This list shows the new index-related enumerations:
- SQLIndexType:
- SQLIndexType.None - nonunique nonclustered index
- SQLIndexType.Clustered - clustered index
- SQLIndexType.Unique - unique index
- SQLAlterIndexOp:
- SQLAlterIndexOp.Reorganize
- SQLAlterIndexOp.Rebuild