Reduced unique names

Reduced unique names provides the shortest unique XMLA name. This feature is activated by selecting the Reduced option under Database Settings in EPM Administration.

The reduced unique name starts with the dimension name in square brackets. For example, [Region]. It must end with the element name in square brackets. For example, [USA]. If the element is not unique within the dimension in between the dimension and the element name, the names of the element's ancestors will be added in square brackets until the name is unique.

This table describes the unique names:

Name Description Example
Native Name, XMLA Name, Name Name of the OLAP element Germany
XMLA Unique Name, Unique Name [Hierarchy].[Parent's Name]… [Parent's Name].[Name] [Countries].[Europe].[Germany]
Short Name [Hierarchy].[Name] [Countries].[Germany]
Short Unique Name [Hierarchy].[Name].[N] where N is a number [Countries].[Germany].[2]
Reduced Unique Name [Hierarchy].[KeyParents]...[Name]([Hierarchy].[Name].[KeyParents]…) [Countries].[Germany] or [Countries].[Europe].[Germany]
Reduced Short Unique Name [Hierarchy].[Name] or [Hierarchy].[Name].[N] depending on the number of the parents [Countries].[Germany] or [Countries].[Germany].[2]
Caption Multilingual name Germany or Deutschland


Here are some examples of reduced unique names:

[Region].[European Union].[Germany][Region].[Middle Region].[Germany]