Changes and additions to native functions

The functions described in this section have been changed to support hierarchies.


The previous syntax addresses the default hierarchy for all dimensions. If the client adds the 'WithHierarchies="true"' attribute, the server expects a hierarchy and an element column instead of the element column alone for each dimension. Empty hierarchy columns address the default hierarchy.

Cube.GetCellNote, Cube.PutCellNote, Cube.DeleteCellNote

The Element tag can take an additional Hierarchy attribute to address a non-default hierarchy.


In the single-value variant with a CellCoordinates tag having an Elements attribute can take an additional Hierarchies attribute listing the target hierarchies separated like the elements.

The data-query based variant receives additional hierarchy columns (as the expected input in Cube.ImportCells) in these cases:

  • The underlying data area explicitly addresses a non-default hierarchy.
  • The DataQuery tag has the 'WithHierarchies="true"' attribute.

In both cases, the returned CellBatch tag is marked through WithHierarchies="true".


The element specifications can have a Hierarchy attribute to address a non-default hierarchy. For the source of an element-to-element mapping the SourceHierarchy attribute is used.


Selectors and elements can carry a Hierarchy attribute to target a non-default hierarchy with the definition.


If the underlying data area addresses non-default hierarchies, the hash is calculated using the concatenated hierarchy and element name instead of using only the element name, if they are part of the hash.