Cube PerspectiveCreate

Creates a perspective on a cube.


<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="170.1" Class="Cube" Method="PerspectiveCreate">
    <Alea:Perspective Name="SalesPerspectiveLC1" Cube="SALES" ContextRelated="true">
      <Alea:Dimension Name="CURRTYPE">
        <Alea:ExcludeDimension Element="LC" Hierarchy="CURRTYPE" />
      <Alea:Dimension Name="PRODUCT">
        <Alea:Hierarchy Name="Speed Rating">
          <Alea:DefaultMember Name="Q (99 mph  160 km/h)  " />
        <Alea:Hierarchy Name="Tire Size"> 
          <Alea:DefaultMember Name="AS700/205" />
        <Alea:Translation LocaleIdentifier="0">
          <Alea:Caption>Sales cube context LC1</Alea:Caption>
          <Alea:Description>Sales cube - the perspective for the context local currency 1</Alea:Description>
        <Alea:Translation LocaleIdentifier="7">
          <Alea:Caption>Verkaufs-Cube Kontext LW1</Alea:Caption>
          <Alea:Description>Verkaufs-Cube - die Perspektive für den Kontext Lokale Währung 1</Alea:Description>

This table describes the XML entities of the request in XPath syntax:

XML object Description
Alea:Perspective Container for the perspective definition.
@Name Name of the perspective. Limitations and restrictions for object names apply. A perspective cannot have the same name as a cube.
@Cube Name of the data cube that this perspective is based on.
@ContextRelated Optional. Specifies if the perspective is related to a context. The default is false.
Alea:Dimension Defines the usage of the dimension in the perspective. It can contain multiple Alea:Hierarchy XML elements or exactly one Alea:ExcludeDimension XML element. If a dimension of the base cube is not listed then the complete dimension is used in the perspective.
@Name Name of the dimension.
Alea:ExcludeDimension Specifies that the dimension is excluded.
@Element Name of the replacement element. It is used to augment coordinates for reading/writing from/to the underlying base cube.
@Hierarchy Hierarchy of the replacement element. Cannot be omitted, not even for the default hierarchy.
Alea:Hierarchy Container for the hierarchy definition. If a hierarchy of the dimension is not listed then the hierarchy is used with the same default element in the perspective.
@Name Name of the hierarchy in the dimension.
Alea:DefaultMember Optional. If present, it overrides the default element of the hierarchy.
@Name Name of the new default element.
Alea:Translations Optional. Contains a set of captions and descriptions for each locale. The standard fallback applies if a locale is missing.


<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="170.1" />


In case of perspective definition errors, the respective error codes with their types are returned:

<Alea:Document xmlns:Alea="">
  <Alea:Request RequestID="170.1">
        <Alea:GenericError ErrorID="error_code" />
        <Alea:DimensionError Dimension="dimension_name" ErrorID="error_code" />
        <Alea:HierarchyError Dimension="dimension_name" Hierarchy="hierarchy_name" ErrorID="error_code" />
        <Alea:ElementError Element="element_name" Dimension="dimension_name" Hierarchy="hierarchy_name" ErrorID="error_code" />