Configuring the consolidation of equity

  1. In Business Modeling, select Modules > Consolidation > Processes and click the Capital tab.
  2. Select the EQ process from the list of processes and click the Edit icon.
  3. Click the lookup icons to select values for these items:
    • Profit (Loss) from Associated Entities (calculation basis): A group profit and loss account, which is the basis for the calculation of the portion that contributes to the shareholder. For example, Profit (Loss) Attributable to Parent's Equity Holder.
    • Shares in Associated Entities: A group account on which the investment in associated entities is booked. Typically, this is an asset account. For example, Investments in Associated Entities.
    • Shares in Associated Entities Detail for Increases: If the selected account has schedule details, select a detail for increases.
    • Shares in Associated Entities Detail for Decreases: If the selected account has schedule details, select a detail for decreases. For example, Disposals.
    • Profit from Associated Entities: A group contra account of the profit and loss on which the income from associated entities and joint ventures is booked. For example, Income from Assoc. and Joint Ventures (Equity Comp.).
    • Profit from Associated Entities Detail: If the selected contra account has schedule details, select a detail.
    • Loss from Associated Entities: A group contra account of the profit and loss on which the loss from associated entities and joint ventures is booked. For example, Losses from Associated Joint Ventures (Equity Entity).
    • Loss from Associated Entities Detail: If the selected contra account has schedule details, select a detail.
    • Dividends received from Associated Entities: A group contra account of the profit and loss on which the dividends from associated entities and joint ventures are booked. For example, Dividends Income from Associated Joint Ventures.
    • Dividends received from Associated Entities Detail: If the selected contra account has schedule details, select a detail.
  4. Click Save.
    A process is marked as configured when all required group accounts and schedule details are specified.
  5. To enable the At Equity process, in the Enabled column of the list of processes, select the check box of the EQ process.
  6. Select a value for the additional Consolidation Basis property as required.
    These values are available:
    • Adjusted entity data
    • Adjusted entity data including carry forward
    • Consolidated Balance Sheet
  7. Click Save.
  8. To enable the consolidation process configuration to take effect, publish the model.