Schedule Detail Mapping

You use the Schedule Detail Mapping integration table to store relationships between the Schedules and Schedule Details business objects.

One schedule detail can be related to multiple schedules.

The use of the schedule detail mapping is optional. That is, you can either load the Schedule Detail assignments with schedule details from the integration table or you can define a relationship between Schedule Details and Schedules in Business Modeling. You cannot load the Schedule Detail assignments with schedules.

You cannot assign schedule details to parent schedules. You can assign schedule details only to one subschedule of a schedule. For example, if the schedule A has two subschedules A1 and A2, you can assign schedule details only to A1 or A2, but never to A.

This table shows the business applications in which the use of business data from the Schedule Detail Mapping integration table is required:

Business application Use of the Schedule Business Mapping business data
Budgeting & Planning Currently, you cannot create schedules and their details in Business Modeling.
Note: In a future release, it will be possible to load data into Business Modeling.
Workforce Budgeting Not used.
Financial Consolidation Optional.

If you populate the Schedule and Schedule Detail integration tables, the mapping is either through the tables or set manually in Business Modeling.

This table shows the properties of the Schedule Detail Mapping integration table and uses these abbreviations:

  • BP: Budgeting & Planning
  • WB: Workforce Budgeting
  • CO: Financial Consolidation
  • R: Required
  • U: Used but optional
Field Description Type BP WB CO
ScheduleID Schedule ID nvarchar R
ScheduleDetailID Schedule detail ID nvarchar R