The Accounts business object is fundamental to financial applications and reflects the standardized, consolidated chart of accounts for an entity.
We recommend that you use the same chart of accounts across all entities for an easy comparison of values. Alternatively, you can include entity-specific accounts to roll up into a common group accounts.
For each account, you can define a relationship between an account and a group account. For example, for each legal entity, you can upload the local charts of accounts into the Account integration table and then define a link to a group account for each account from the table.
Each account from the Accounts integration table can be linked to only one group account. You can link multiple local accounts to one group account, but you cannot link one local account to multiple group accounts.
An account can be used to enter or import values. Accounts can be calculated in these ways:
- By sub-accounts that contribute to an account. That is, by summing up sub-accounts into an account.
- By a formula that defines how an account is calculated, especially if an account is used to calculate KPIs such as Earnings Per Share.
- By a process such as an allocation process.
The main sections of the chart of accounts include the statement of financial position or the balance sheet, and the statement of comprehensive income.
The use of business data from the Accounts business object is required in Budgeting & Planning and Workforce Budgeting. In Financial Consolidation, that data is not used. But you can use it to map local accounts to group accounts.
This table shows the properties of the Accounts business object and uses these abbreviations:
- BP: Budgeting & Planning
- WB: Workforce Budgeting
- CO: Financial Consolidation
- R: Required
- U: Used but optional
Field | Description | Type | BP | WB | CO |
ID | Unique identifier of an account. | nvarchar | R | R | R |
Name | Caption that is displayed if no language-specific translation is provided. | nvarchar | R | R | R |
ParentID | Parent account ID. If left blank, then Parent ID is by default assigned to the top-level All Accounts (TOTAL_ACCOUNT) value. Caution: In multiple hierarchies, an account can be assigned
to multiple parents. Do not assign an account to multiple parents in combination
with weight 1 within the top-level All Accounts structure.
nvarchar | U | U | U |
Weight | Used to control the roll-up into parents. Typically set to 1 for the accounts in the chart of accounts. Must be set to 0 for statistical accounts of S, T, M, and O types. This is to prevent an aggregation of values within the chart of accounts. Note: Ensure that you prepare your table for import or upload accordingly.
See the "Weight in the Accounts business object" section. |
float | R | R | R |
OrderPosition | Position of an element in the resulting dimension. | integer | U | U | U |
Type | Account type that determines whether a debit or a credit has a
positive or negative effect on an account. All accounts must be assigned to an account type to be used in the Infor EPM business applications. This applies to finance balance sheets and profit and loss accounts. Account types use a one-character code. These types of accounts are available:
The A, L, Q, and R account types are always stored as positive in the database whereas the E account type is stored as negative. Users can configure how to display and enter values in the Infor EPM applications with the global sign definition. See "Global sign definition" in the Budgeting & Planning section. Note: To prevent
an aggregation of values within the chart of accounts, the Weight property must be
set to 0 for all statistical account types.
See the "Weight in the Accounts business object" section. |
nvarchar | R | R | R |
Method1 | Used for the calculation of various scenarios. Method1 uses the currency conversion with these exchange rate types:
nvarchar | R | R | R |
Method2 | Used for the calculation of various scenarios. Method2 uses the currency conversion with these exchange rate types:
nvarchar | U | U | U |
Method3 | Used for the calculation of various scenarios. Method3 uses the currency conversion with these exchange rate types:
nvarchar | U | U | U |
Method4 | Used for the calculation of various scenarios. Method4 uses the currency conversion with these exchange rate types:
nvarchar | U | U | U |
FormatString | Used to define different value formats in Self-Service
and custom reports. For example, integer values such as headcount are defined in the
#,##0 format. The default format is #,##0.00. |
nvarchar | |||
Intercompany | Represents internal relationships of an accounting entity or
unit and enables the scheduling of the profit and loss, and balance sheet accounts at
the intercompany level. If set, a detailed planning can be completed for an account as part of the budgeting and planning. This field can contain one of these values:
bit | U | U | |
Schedule | Categorizes accounts into, for example, assets, depreciation,
receivables, payables, or equity. The schedule assignment determines in which detail view to use an account. For example, in the schedule with fixed asset movements. Schedules can be assigned only to the balance sheet accounts of the A, L, and Q types. If a schedule is assigned, then a detailed planning can be specified for an account as part of the budgeting and planning. These standard schedule codes are used to assign to the finance schedule details:
nvarchar | U | U | |
LineDetail | Used only in Budgeting & Planning. Provides a separate line with additional information for each account value that has been entered in Budgeting & Planning. Represents a free-defined position to do side calculations instead of using other tools, such as Microsoft® Excel, for this purpose. Line details are represented as an additional hierarchy. This field can contain one of these values:
bit | U | ||
Segment1 | Provides account details such as a company, region, or
product. If set, a detailed planning must be completed for an account as part of the budgeting and planning. This field can contain one of these values:
Segmentation is hierarchical and only one of these options is possible:
bit | U | U | U |
Segment2 | Provides account details such as a company, region, or
product. If set, a detailed planning must be completed for an account as part of the budgeting and planning. This field can contain one of these values:
Segmentation is hierarchical and only one of these options is possible:
bit | U | U | U |
Segment3 | Provides account details such as a company, region, or
product. If set, a detailed planning must be completed for an account as part of the budgeting and planning. This field can contain one of these values:
Segmentation is hierarchical and only one of these options is possible:
bit | U | U | U |
GroupAccountID | Group account ID. If not valid or left blank, financial data that references an account is loaded to an Unassigned element of the Group Account dimension in Financial Consolidation and is not considered in consolidation calculations, reporting, and analysis. To continue with consolidation processes, all values must be loaded to group accounts and the balance in the Unassigned element must be 0. Financial data in statistical accounts of types S, T, M, and O is not considered in consolidation. Note: An account cannot
be assigned to multiple group accounts.
nvarchar | U | R | |
LangEN | Name translated into English. | nvarchar | U | U | U |
LangDE | Name translated into German. | nvarchar | U | U | U |
LangFR | Name translated into French. | nvarchar | U | U | U |
LangES | Name translated into Spanish. | nvarchar | U | U | U |
LangJA | Name translated into Japanese. | nvarchar | U | U | U |
LangPT_BR | Name translated into Portuguese (Brazilian). | nvarchar | U | U | U |
LangRU | Name translated into Russian. | nvarchar | U | U | U |
LangIT | Name translated into Italian. | nvarchar | U | U | U |
LangZH_CHS | Name translated into Chinese (Simplified). | nvarchar | U | U | U |
LangCS | Name translated into Czech. | nvarchar | U | U | U |
LangNL | Name translated into Dutch. | nvarchar | U | U | U |
LangDA | Name translated into Danish. | nvarchar | U | U | U |
LangSV | Name translated into Swedish. | nvarchar | U | U | U |
LangNO | Name translated into Norwegian. | nvarchar | U | U | U |
LangPL | Name translated into Polish. | nvarchar | U | U | U |
LangTH | Name translated into Thai. | nvarchar | U | U | U |
LangFI | Name translated into Finnish. | nvarchar | U | U | U |
LangKO | Name translated into Korean. | nvarchar | U | U | U |
LangMS | Name translated into Malaysian. | nvarchar | U | U | U |
LangFR_CA | Name translated into French (Canadian). | nvarchar | U | U | U |
LangZH_TW | Name translated into Chinese (Traditional). | nvarchar | U | U | U |
LangID | Name translated into Indonesian. | nvarchar | U | U | U |
LangVI | Name translated into Vietnamese. | nvarchar | U | U | U |