Configuring the Self-Service widget

As an administrator, you can use this procedure to configure the Self-Service widget.
  1. Click the Self-Service tab.
  2. Select the Self-Service widget type.
  3. Use the Self-Service wizard to configure the widget and click Finish or paste the data definition.
  4. Optionally, click Change Chart Type and select a different type of chart
  5. Optionally, click Change data and change the data to use for your widget.
  6. Click Copy.
  7. Click Complete to complete the workbook.
  8. On the Workbook Wizard page, click the wrench icon of the workbook you want to publish and select Publish and jump to Workflow.
  9. Select Completed to complete the workflow.
  10. Select Home > Applications > Decision Packages.
  11. Click the decision package template that contains the Self-Service widget and click Open.
  12. Specify the decision package parameters and click Confirm settings and start planning.