Managing shared images

  1. Select Edit > Manage Shared Images and select from these options:
    Option Description
    Add Click Addand browse to the image file to add. Shared images can be of these formats:
    • .bmp
    • .gif
    • .ico
    • .jpg
    • .jpeg
    • .png
    • .svg
    Delete Select the image to delete and click Delete.
    Replace Select the image to replace and click Replace. Browse to the replacement image. The replacement image can be of a different file type and name than the original image.
    Properties Select an image and click Properties. The Properties dialog shows the unique name, file name, format and dimensions of the image, and a thumbnail and description if available. If the image is part of an application, then the Application tab shows the name, version, vendor, and whether the content is protected. The Application tab also shows whether the content is in its original state or has been updated.
  2. Click Refresh to refresh the list of images.