Creating ROK formulas in the Edit OLAP Formula wizard

The Wizard for KPI values formulas has a data area with two columns. The content of the Hierarchy and Selection columns depends on whether hierarchies are linked to report objects.

For each hierarchy that is not linked to a report object, the Hierarchy column displays the hierarchy name. For each hierarchy, the Selection column displays the top level element of the hierarchy. You can select a different element.

For each hierarchy that is linked to a report object, the Hierarchy column displays 'Formula'. The Selection column displays the name of the linked report object. You can select a different report object or, for example, a variable.

If you add a list object to a report after you have created a ROK formula, you can edit the formula to reference the object. Select the name of the report object in the Selection column. The Hierarchy column displays 'Formula' in place of the hierarchy name.

To break the link between a hierarchy and a report object, click Formula in the Hierarchy column and select an element in the Selection column.

To create an ROK formula in the Edit OLAP Formula wizard:

  1. In Design Mode, click the cell in which to create the formula and then click Edit OLAP Formula on the Objects tool bar.
  2. Select KPI Values as the formula type.
  3. On the Data tab, select the data connection to use.
  4. Select the cube to use.
  5. Define the data area by selecting from the Hierarchy and Selection columns.
  6. Select the KPI to display.
  7. If the KPI has indicators defined, select an indicator.
    An indicator is a graphical representation of, for example, a data trend or status.
  8. On the Representation tab, specify whether to represent the KPI graphically or as a value.
    If you have selected an Indicator for the KPI, graphical representation is automatically selected.

    A graphical KPI uses several graphics (for example, red, amber and green traffic signals) to indicate below average performance, average performance and good performance. You can specify the value boundaries at which the different graphics are displayed. By default, values between 0 and -0.33 indicate below average performance and values from 0 to 0.33 indicate average performance.

  9. For graphical KPIs, specify the value boundaries.
    In the Preview section, specify a value, or move the slider to test that the graphics change at the correct boundaries.
    Note:  If you represent a KPI graphically, a user-defined number is used as the cell format. If you delete the KPI values formula and replace it with, for example, a cell values formula, the cell format does not change and the graphic remains. To remove the graphic, select All > Standard on the Number Format tab of the Format Cells dialog box.
  10. Click OK.