ExportSynchronous operation

This operation waits for the export to finish and returns the exported report book. Use this operation to export small report books, large exports can run into time-out issues.


Method URL
GET /BI/api/rest/IonApi/BookExport/v1/ExportSynchronous
Parameter Status Type Value
appName Required String A unique name of the application with the report book to export.
bookName Required String A unique name of the report book to export.
outputFormat Required Enum

pdf [0]

xlsx [1]

xlsx value [2]

pptx [3]

image [4]

Export output format.

usePageLayout Optional Boolean The default is TRUE. Use only for pptx or image export.
imageFormat Optional Enum

png [0]

jpg [1]

The default is png. Use only for image export.
string exportProfile Optional String An export profile name. To export in the default way, leave empty.


You receive a piece of binary data, that represents an exported report book in chosen format.

When export fails, you receive a JSON string with an error message.