IO functions



void AppendToLocalFile(string name, string content)


Appends text to a local file. If the file does not exist, it will be created.

Supported Runtime Versions

3.0, 4.0, 5.0

This function is not supported in a cloud environment.

Parameters Description
name Name of the file to append content to.
content The content to be appended to the file.

Return Value

Does not return a value.



void AppendToLocalFile(string name, string content, string encoding)


Appends text to a local file. If the file does not exist, it will be created.

Supported Runtime Versions

3.0, 4.0, 5.0

This function is not supported in a cloud environment.

Parameters Description
name Name of the file to append content to.
content The content to be appended to the file.
encoding The encoding of the content to be appended.

Return Value

Does not return a value.



BinaryData BinaryDataCompress(BinaryData sourceData, string method, bool compress)


Compress/decompress binary data and return processed binary data.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
sourceData Data to process.
method Compression method. Currently supported methods: deflate.
compress True to compress and false to decompress.

Return Value

Processed binary data.



BinaryData BinaryDataCreateFromBase64String(string text)


Creates binary data from the base64 string.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
text String to read data from.

Return Value

Binary data.



BinaryData BinaryDataCreateFromString(string text)


Creates binary data from the text using UTF-8 encoding.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
text String to read data from.

Return Value

Binary data.



BinaryData BinaryDataCreateFromString(string text, string encoding)


Creates binary data from the text using specified encoding.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
text String to read data from.
encoding Encoding for the conversion to binary data.

Return Value

Binary data.



double BinaryDataGetLength(BinaryData binaryData)


Returns the length of the binary data stream.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
binaryData Binary data stream to be checked.

Return Value

Length of the binary data stream.



void BinaryDataRelease(BinaryData binaryData)


Releases binary stream resources.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
binaryData Binary data stream to be released.

Return Value

Does not return a value.



BookExportProfile BookExportProfileAddReport(BookExportProfile profile, string reportName, int reportPosition, string documentName)


Add a report to a report book to a particular position in the book. If the position is already occupied by another report, an exception will be thrown. If the position value is not specified (values 0 or lower), the position will be automatically generated as a lowest integer that is higher then all positions that are already taken in the profile.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile Instance of BookExportProfile.
reportName Report unique name to identify the report. If the value is empty, the report will be searched only by reportPosition.
reportPosition The position of the report in the book. Report positions are numbered starting with 1, the same as in AppStudio. Sporadic numbering is supported. If the value is 0 or lower, the report will be added at the end of the profile with a generated position number, that will be higher then all the other report positions in the profile.
documentName Report document name.

Return Value

BookExportProfile instance.



BookExportProfile BookExportProfileAddReport(BookExportProfile profile, string reportName, int reportPosition, string documentName, BookExportDocumentType documentType)


Add a report to a report book to a particular position in the book. If the position is already occupied by another report, an exception will be thrown. If the position value is not specified (values 0 or lower), the position will be automatically generated as a lowest integer that is higher then all positions that are already taken in the profile.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile Instance of BookExportProfile.
reportName Report unique name to identify the report. If the value is empty, the report will be searched only by reportPosition.
reportPosition The position of the report in the book. Report positions are numbered starting with 1, the same as in AppStudio. Sporadic numbering is supported. If the value is 0 or lower, the report will be added at the end of the profile with a generated position number, that will be higher then all the other report positions in the profile.
documentName Report document name.
documentType Report document type.

Return Value

BookExportProfile instance.



BookExportProfile BookExportProfileAddReport(BookExportProfile profile, string reportName, int reportPosition, string documentName, BookExportDocumentType documentType, bool isChild)


Add a report to a report book to a particular position in the book. If the position is already occupied by another report, an exception will be thrown. If the position value is not specified (values 0 or lower), the position will be automatically generated as a lowest integer that is higher then all positions that are already taken in the profile.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile Instance of BookExportProfile.
reportName Report unique name to identify the report. If the value is empty, the report will be searched only by reportPosition.
reportPosition The position of the report in the book. Report positions are numbered starting with 1, the same as in AppStudio. Sporadic numbering is supported. If the value is 0 or lower, the report will be added at the end of the profile with a generated position number, that will be higher then all the other report positions in the profile.
documentName Report document name.
documentType Report document type.
isChild Flag if the report is a child of another report.

Return Value

BookExportProfile instance.



BookExportProfile BookExportProfileAddSelection(BookExportProfile profile, string reportName, int reportPosition, string reportObjectUniqueName, BookExportSelectionType selectionType, string uniqueName)


Add a selection to the report object of a book report. If the particular report object has Automatic selection mode or AllElements selection mode, this selection is cleared (deleted), and the selection mode is set to Selection and new selection is added by this function call. On the other hand, if the report object already has selection mode set to Selection and there are already active selections, then no clearing is done and the new selection is simply added to it. If the report is not present in the profile, it is added. The selectionType must be set to non-ranged type, otherwise an exception is thrown.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile Instance of BookExportProfile.
reportName Report unique name to identify the report. If the value is empty, the report will be searched only by reportPosition.
reportPosition The position of the report in the book. Report positions are numbered starting with 1, the same as in AppStudio. Sporadic numbering is supported. If the value is 0 or lower, the report will be searched only by reportName.
reportObjectUniqueName The unique name of the report object.
selectionType The type of selection to be added.
uniqueName Element unique name used for the selection. The unique name must be in MDX format.

Return Value

BookExportProfile instance.



BookExportProfile BookExportProfileAddSelection(BookExportProfile profile, string reportName, int reportPosition, string reportObjectUniqueName, BookExportSelectionType selectionType, string uniqueNameFrom, string uniqueNameTo)


Add a ranged selection to the selections of a book report. If the particular report object has Automatic selection mode or AllElements selection mode, this selection is cleared (deleted), and the selection mode is set to Selection and new selection is added by this function call. On the other hand, if the report object already has selection mode set to Selection and there are already active selections, then no clearing is done and the new selection is simply added to it. If the report is not present in the profile, it is added. The selectionType must be set to a ranged type, otherwise an exception is thrown.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile Instance of BookExportProfile.
reportName Report unique name to identify the report. If the value is empty, the report will be searched only by reportPosition.
reportPosition The position of the report in the book. Report positions are numbered starting with 1, the same as in AppStudio. Sporadic numbering is supported. If the value is 0 or lower, the report will be searched only by reportName.
reportObjectUniqueName The unique name of the report object.
selectionType The type of selection to be added.
uniqueNameFrom Element unique name (from) used for the selection. The unique name must be in MDX format.
uniqueNameTo Element unique name (to) used for the selection. The unique name must be in MDX format.

Return Value

BookExportProfile instance.



BookExportProfile BookExportProfileClearSelections(BookExportProfile profile, string reportName, int reportPosition, string reportObjectUniqueName)


Clear all selections on a report object and sets the current selection mode of the report object to Automatic. If the report is not present in the profile, it is added.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile Instance of BookExportProfile.
reportName Report unique name to identify the report. If the value is empty, the report will be searched only by reportPosition.
reportPosition The position of the report in the book. Report positions are numbered starting with 1, the same as in AppStudio. Sporadic numbering is supported. If the value is 0 or lower, the report will be searched only by reportName.
reportObjectUniqueName The unique name of the report object.

Return Value

BookExportProfile instance.



int BookExportProfileGetReportCount(BookExportProfile profile)


Get count of reports in the book export profile.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile Instance of BookExportProfile.

Return Value

Unique name of the reports in the book export profile.



StringList BookExportProfileGetReportObjectNames(BookExportProfile profile, string reportName)


Get unique names of report objects of a particular report in book export profile.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile Instance of BookExportProfile.
reportName Unique name of the report.

Return Value

Unique names of the report objects.



StringList BookExportProfileGetReportObjectNames(BookExportProfile profile, string reportName, int reportPosition)


Get unique names of report objects of a particular report in book export profile.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile Instance of BookExportProfile.
reportName Unique name of the report.
reportPosition Position of the report.

Return Value

Unique names of the report objects.



int BookExportProfileGetReportPositionByIndex(BookExportProfile profile, int index)


Get report's position by index.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile Instance of BookExportProfile.
index Index of the report in the book export profile.

Return Value

Unique name of the reports in the book export profile.



string BookExportProfileGetReportUniqueNameByIndex(BookExportProfile profile, int index)


Get report's unique name by index.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile Instance of BookExportProfile.
index Index of the report in the book export profile.

Return Value

Unique name of the reports in the book export profile.



BookExportProfileType BookExportProfileGetType(BookExportProfile profile)


Gets the type of BookExportProfile.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile BookExportProfile instance.

Return Value

Instance of BookExportProfileType enum.



bool BookExportProfileIsReportSkipped(BookExportProfile profile, string reportName, int reportPosition)


Get if a report is skipped during the book export.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile Instance of BookExportProfile.
reportName Report unique name to identify the report. If the value is empty, the report will be searched only by reportPosition.
reportPosition The position of the report in the book. Report positions are numbered starting with 1, the same as in AppStudio. Sporadic numbering is supported. If the value is 0 or lower, the report will be searched only by reportName.

Return Value

True or false.



BookExportProfile BookExportProfileSetChildReport(BookExportProfile profile, string reportName, int reportPosition, bool isChild)


Set if the report is a child of the previous report. The report will be set as a child of the closest report that is not a child and has position lower then this report.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile Instance of BookExportProfile.
reportName Report unique name to identify the report. If the value is empty, the report will be searched only by reportPosition.
reportPosition The position of the report in the book. Report positions are numbered starting with 1, the same as in AppStudio. Sporadic numbering is supported. If the value is 0 or lower, the report will be searched only by reportName.
isChild Says if the report is a child report or not.

Return Value

BookExportProfile instance.



BookExportProfile BookExportProfileSetReportDocumentName(BookExportProfile profile, string reportName, int reportPosition, string documentName)


Set document name of a report in a report book. If the report is not present in the profile, it is added.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile Instance of BookExportProfile.
reportName Report unique name to identify the report. If the value is empty, the report will be searched only by reportPosition.
reportPosition The position of the report in the book. Report positions are numbered starting with 1, the same as in AppStudio. Sporadic numbering is supported. If the value is 0 or lower, the report will be searched only by reportName.
documentName Report document name.

Return Value

BookExportProfile instance.



BookExportProfile BookExportProfileSetReportDocumentType(BookExportProfile profile, string reportName, int reportPosition, BookExportDocumentType documentType)


Set document type of a report in a report book. If the report is not present in the profile, it is added.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile Instance of BookExportProfile.
reportName Report unique name to identify the report. If the value is empty, the report will be searched only by reportPosition.
reportPosition The position of the report in the book. Report positions are numbered starting with 1, the same as in AppStudio. Sporadic numbering is supported. If the value is 0 or lower, the report will be searched only by reportName.
documentType Report document type.

Return Value

BookExportProfile instance.



BookExportProfile BookExportProfileSetSelection(BookExportProfile profile, string reportName, int reportPosition, string reportObjectUniqueName, BookExportSelectionType selectionType, string uniqueName)


Set a ranged selection to the selections of a book report. All existing selections are deleted and the new selection is set the selection list. The current selection mode of the report object is set to Selection. If the report is not present in the profile, it is added. The selectionType must be set to non-ranged type, otherwise an exception is thrown.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile Instance of BookExportProfile.
reportName Report unique name to identify the report. If the value is empty, the report will be searched only by reportPosition.
reportPosition The position of the report in the book. Report positions are numbered starting with 1, the same as in AppStudio. Sporadic numbering is supported. If the value is 0 or lower, the report will be searched only by reportName.
reportObjectUniqueName The unique name of the report object.
selectionType The type of selection to be added.
uniqueName Element unique name used for the selection. The unique name must be in MDX format.

Return Value

BookExportProfile instance.



BookExportProfile BookExportProfileSetSelection(BookExportProfile profile, string reportName, int reportPosition, string reportObjectUniqueName, BookExportSelectionType selectionType, string uniqueNameFrom, string uniqueNameTo)


Set a ranged selection to the selections of a book report. All existing selections are deleted and the new selection is set the selection list. The current selection mode of the report object is set to Selection. If the report is not present in the profile, it is added. The selectionType must be set to a ranged type, otherwise an exception is thrown.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile Instance of BookExportProfile.
reportName Report unique name to identify the report. If the value is empty, the report will be searched only by reportPosition.
reportPosition The position of the report in the book. Report positions are numbered starting with 1, the same as in AppStudio. Sporadic numbering is supported. If the value is 0 or lower, the report will be searched only by reportName.
reportObjectUniqueName The unique name of the report object.
selectionType The type of selection to be added.
uniqueNameFrom Element unique name (from) used for the selection. The unique name must be in MDX format.
uniqueNameTo Element unique name (to) used for the selection. The unique name must be in MDX format.

Return Value

BookExportProfile instance.



BookExportProfile BookExportProfileSetSelectionElementSource(BookExportProfile profile, string reportName, int reportPosition, string reportObjectUniqueName, string alias, string cube, string dimension, string hierarchy)


Set element source of a report object on a report in a report book. If the report is not present in the profile, it is added.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile Instance of BookExportProfile.
reportName Report unique name to identify the report. If the value is empty, the report will be searched only by reportPosition.
reportPosition The position of the report in the book. Report positions are numbered starting with 1, the same as in AppStudio. Sporadic numbering is supported. If the value is 0 or lower, the report will be searched only by reportName.
reportObjectUniqueName The unique name of the report object.
alias Database alias for the element source.
cube Name of the cube for the element source.
dimension Name of the dimension for the element source.
hierarchy Name of the hierarchy for the element source.

Return Value

BookExportProfile instance.



BookExportProfile BookExportProfileSetSelectionElementSource(BookExportProfile profile, string reportName, int reportPosition, string reportObjectUniqueName, string listDefinition)


Set element source of a report object on a report in a report book. If the report is not present in the profile, it is added.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile Instance of BookExportProfile.
reportName Report unique name to identify the report. If the value is empty, the report will be searched only by reportPosition.
reportPosition The position of the report in the book. Report positions are numbered starting with 1, the same as in AppStudio. Sporadic numbering is supported. If the value is 0 or lower, the report will be searched only by reportName.
reportObjectUniqueName The unique name of the report object.
listDefinition Xml definition of a list.

Return Value

BookExportProfile instance.



BookExportProfile BookExportProfileSetSelectionMode(BookExportProfile profile, string reportName, int reportPosition, string reportObjectUniqueName, BookExportSelectionMode selectionMode)


Set the selection mode of a report object on a report in a report book. If the report is not present in the profile, it is added.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile Instance of BookExportProfile.
reportName Report unique name to identify the report. If the value is empty, the report will be searched only by reportPosition.
reportPosition The position of the report in the book. Report positions are numbered starting with 1, the same as in AppStudio. Sporadic numbering is supported. If the value is 0 or lower, the report will be searched only by reportName.
reportObjectUniqueName The unique name of the report object.
selectionMode Report selection mode.

Return Value

BookExportProfile instance.



BookExportProfile BookExportProfileSetSelectionSplitBy(BookExportProfile profile, string reportName, int reportPosition, string reportObjectUniqueName, bool splitBy)


Set split-by flag of a report object on a report in a report book. If the report is not present in the profile, it is added.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile Instance of BookExportProfile.
reportName Report unique name to identify the report. If the value is empty, the report will be searched only by reportPosition.
reportPosition The position of the report in the book. Report positions are numbered starting with 1, the same as in AppStudio. Sporadic numbering is supported. If the value is 0 or lower, the report will be searched only by reportName.
reportObjectUniqueName The unique name of the report object.
splitBy Report selection split-by.

Return Value

BookExportProfile instance.



BookExportProfile BookExportProfileSetType(BookExportProfile profile, BookExportProfileType type)


Sets the type of BookExportProfile.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile BookExportProfile instance.
type Profile type to be set.

Return Value

Instance of BookExportProfileType enum.



BookExportProfile BookExportProfileSkipReport(BookExportProfile profile, string reportName, int reportPosition)


Skip a report in a report book during book export.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
profile Instance of BookExportProfile.
reportName Report unique name to identify the report. If the value is empty, the report will be searched only by reportPosition.
reportPosition The position of the report in the book. Report positions are numbered starting with 1, the same as in AppStudio. Sporadic numbering is supported. If the value is 0 or lower, the report will be searched only by reportName.

Return Value

BookExportProfile instance.



BinaryData BookExportResultGetBinaryData(BookExportResult bookExportResult)


Get instance of BinaryData from BookExportResult.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
bookExportResult Instance of BookExportResult.

Return Value

Instance of BinaryData.



string BookExportResultGetFileName(BookExportResult bookExportResult)


Get a file name from BookExportResult.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
bookExportResult Instance of BookExportResult.

Return Value

Filename of BookExportResult.



bool BookExportSelectionTypeIsRanged(BookExportSelectionType value)


Get if the selection type is ranged.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
value Instance of BookExportSelectionType.

Return Value

True or false.



BookExportProfile CreateBookExportProfile(BookExportProfileType type)


Create a new instance of BookExportProfile.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
type Type of the book export profile to be created.

Return Value

Instance of BookExportProfile.



BookExportProfile CreateBookExportProfile(string exportProfile)


Create a new instance of BookExportProfile from json string.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
exportProfile BookExportProfile serialized as json string.

Return Value

BookExportProfile instance parsed from the string.



void CreateLocalFile(string name)


Creates a new file.

Supported Runtime Versions

3.0, 4.0, 5.0

This function is not supported in a cloud environment.

Parameters Description
name Name of the file to be created.

Return Value

Does not return a value.



RepositoryConnection CreateRepositoryConnection(string repository, string project, string user, string password)


Not supported anymore, throws an error. Original behavior: Creates a connection to a repository using password authentication.

Supported Runtime Versions

4.0, 5.0

Parameters Description
repository Name of the repository, no longer needed and thus ignored.
project Name of the project in the repository.
user User name to be used for repository connection.
password Password to be used for repository connection.

Return Value

Connection to a repository as specified by the connection parameters.



RepositoryConnection CreateRepositoryConnection(string repository, string project, string ticket)


Not supported anymore, throws an error. Original behavior: Creates a connection to a repository using ticket authentication.

Supported Runtime Versions

4.0, 5.0

Parameters Description
repository Name of the repository, no longer needed and thus ignored.
project Name of the project in the repository.
ticket Ticket to be used for authentication.

Return Value

Connection to a repository as specified by the connection parameters.



RepositoryConnection CreateRepositoryConnectionExisting()


Creates a connection to a repository using ticket authentication.

Supported Runtime Versions



The function has no parameters.

Return Value

Connection to a repository as specified by the connection parameters.



void DeleteLocalFile(string name)


Deletes a local file. If it fails, an exception is thrown.

Supported Runtime Versions


This function is not supported in a cloud environment.

Parameters Description
name Name of the file to be deleted.

Return Value

Does not return a value.



BookExportResult ExportReportBook(string applicationName, string bookName, BookExportOutputType outputFormat)


Export an AppStudio report book to a specific file format.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName Application name.
bookName Report book’s name.
outputFormat Output format.

Return Value

BinaryData containing the report book.



BookExportResult ExportReportBook(string applicationName, string bookName, BookExportOutputType outputFormat, BookExportProfile exportProfile)


Export an AppStudio report book to a specific file format.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName Application name.
bookName Report book name.
outputFormat Output format.
exportProfile Book export profile.

Return Value

BinaryData containing the report book.



BookExportResult ExportReportBook(string applicationName, string bookName, BookExportOutputType outputFormat, bool usePageLayout, BookExportImageType imageFormat)


Export an AppStudio report book to a specific file format.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName Application name.
bookName Report book name.
outputFormat Output format.
usePageLayout Use page layout.
imageFormat Image format.

Return Value

BinaryData containing the report book.



BookExportResult ExportReportBook(string applicationName, string bookName, BookExportOutputType outputFormat, bool usePageLayout, BookExportImageType imageFormat, BookExportProfile exportProfile)


Export an AppStudio report book to a specific file format.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName Application name.
bookName Report book’s name.
outputFormat Output format.
usePageLayout Use page layout.
imageFormat Image format.
exportProfile Book export profile.

Return Value

BinaryData containing the report book.



BookExportProfile GetBookExportProfile(string applicationName, string bookUniqueName)


Retrieves a book export profile of a report book. The returned export profile is always full profile. If the book is not found, an exception is thrown.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName Application name.
bookUniqueName Report book unique name.

Return Value

Export profile of a report book.



string GetCOSTicket(RepositoryConnection connection)


Gets a COS ticket from a certain repository connection.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
connection Repository connection to get a COS ticket from.

Return Value

The connection's COS ticket.



bool LocalFileExists(string name)


Checks if a given file exists.

Supported Runtime Versions


This function is not supported in a cloud environment.

Parameters Description
name Name of the file to check.

Return Value

Returns true if the file exists.



double LocalGetFileLength(string name)


Gets the size of a given file.

Supported Runtime Versions


This function is not supported in a cloud environment.

Parameters Description
name Name of the file to check.

Return Value

File size value.



StringListList ParseCsvDocument(string csvDocument, string separator, string quoteChar, string quoteEscChar, bool useQuotes, bool unquoteValues, int skipLines, IntArray selectColumns)


Parses a string containing CSV data and returns its content.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
csvDocument The string to be parsed.
separator The character used for separating fields in the CSV file.
quoteChar The character used for quoting single fields in the CSV file.
quoteEscChar The character used for escaping the quote character when it occurs in a value.
useQuotes Determines whether fields should be quoted (true) or not (false).
unquoteValues Determines whether quotes around fields should be returned (false) or not (true).
skipLines Sets the number of lines to be ignored at the beginning of the CSV file.
selectColumns Specifies the indices of the columns to be returned.

Return Value

The content of the CSV string.



StringListList ParseCsvDocument(string csvDocument)


Parses a string containing CSV data and returns its content. This function uses default values for the CSV parser: Separator is ",", quote character is ", quote escape character is ", fields should be quoted, quotes will not be returned.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
csvDocument The string to be parsed.

Return Value

The content of the CSV string.



StringListList ParseCsvDocument(string csvDocument, string separator, string quoteChar, string quoteEscChar, bool useQuotes, bool unquoteValues)


Parses a string containing CSV data and returns its content.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
csvDocument The string to be parsed.
separator The character used for separating fields in the CSV file.
quoteChar The character used for quoting single fields in the CSV file.
quoteEscChar The character used for escaping the quote character when it occurs in a value.
useQuotes Determines whether fields should be quoted (true) or not (false).
unquoteValues Determines whether quotes around fields should be returned (false) or not (true).

Return Value

The content of the CSV file.



BinaryData ReadBinaryDataFromLocalFile(string fileName)


Reads the file content to the stream.

Supported Runtime Versions


This function is not supported in a cloud environment.

Parameters Description
fileName File path to read data from.

Return Value

Binary data.



string ReadFile(string url, string encoding)


Reads a file from an URL. The encoding is automatically detected based on the file BOM. If the detection fails, the encoding provided by user is used.

Supported Runtime Versions

4.0, 5.0

This function is not supported in a cloud environment.

Parameters Description
url Location of the file to be read.
encoding The encoding used if encoding autodetection fails.

Return Value

The file's content.



string ReadFile(string url)


Reads a file from an URL. The encoding is automatically detected based on the file BOM. If the detection fails, the encoding for operating system's current code page is used.

Supported Runtime Versions

3.0, 4.0, 5.0

This function is not supported in a cloud environment.

Parameters Description
url Location of the file to be read.

Return Value

The file's content.



string ReadLocalFile(string name)


Reads a file from a local file system. The encoding is automatically detected based on the file BOM. If the detection fails, UTF-8 encoding is used.

Supported Runtime Versions

3.0, 4.0, 5.0

This function is not supported in a cloud environment.

Parameters Description
name Name of the file to be read.

Return Value

The file's content.



string ReadLocalFile(string name, string encoding)


Reads a file from a local file system. The encoding is automatically detected based on the file BOM. If the detection fails, the encoding provided by user is used.

Supported Runtime Versions

3.0, 4.0, 5.0

This function is not supported in a cloud environment.

Parameters Description
name Name of the file to be read.
encoding The encoding used if encoding autodetection fails.

Return Value

The file's content.



string RepositoryCreateFile(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string attachmentName, string content)


Creates a new attachment for a repository project. The content is written in UTF-8 encoding.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
repositoryConnection Repository connection that points to the project.
attachmentName Name of the attachment to be created.
content The content of the attachment.

Return Value

Id of newly created attachment.



string RepositoryCreateFile(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string attachmentName, BinaryData binaryData)


Creates new repository attachment and writes the stream content into it.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
repositoryConnection Repository connection that points to the project.
attachmentName Name of the attachment to write data to.
binaryData Binary data to write to the repository.

Return Value

Name of the repository attachment.



string RepositoryCreateSharedMedia(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string mediaUniqueName, string mediaDescription, string mediaType, SharedMediaType fileName, BinaryData binaryData)


Writes the stream content to the Shared Media of a given repository.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
repositoryConnection Repository connection that points to the project.
mediaUniqueName Name of the Shared Media.
mediaDescription Description of the Shared Media.
mediaType Type of the Shared Media. Supported Types: Sound, Movie, Icon, Animation, Picture.
fileName File name of the Shared Media.
binaryData Binary data to write to the repository.

Return Value

Name of the Shared Media object.



bool RepositoryDeleteFile(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string attachmentId)


Deletes an attachment from a repository project.

Supported Runtime Versions

4.0, 5.0

Parameters Description
repositoryConnection Repository connection that points to the project.
attachmentId ID of the attachment to be deleted.

Return Value

True if the attachment could be deleted. False if it could not be deleted.



bool RepositoryDeleteSharedMedia(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string mediaUniqueName)


Deletes the given Shared Media from a repository project.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
repositoryConnection Repository connection that points to the project.
mediaUniqueName Unique name of the Shared Media to be deleted.

Return Value

True if the given Shared Media could be deleted.



void RepositoryDisconnect(RepositoryConnection connection)


Disconnects a certain repository connection.

Supported Runtime Versions

4.0, 5.0

Parameters Description
connection Repository connection to be disconnected.

Return Value

Does not return a value.



bool RepositoryFileExists(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string attachmentId)


Checks if the given repository file exists.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
repositoryConnection Repository connection that points to the project to check the file.
attachmentId ID of the file to be checked.

Return Value

Returns true if the file exists.



double RepositoryGetFileLength(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string attachmentId)


Gets the size of a given repository file.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
repositoryConnection Repository connection that points to the project to check the file.
attachmentId ID of the file to be checked.

Return Value

File size value.



BinaryData RepositoryReadBinaryData(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string attachmentId)


Reads the repository content (attachment) to the binary data stream.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
repositoryConnection Repository connection that points to the project.
attachmentId ID of the attachment to read data from.

Return Value

Binary data.



StringListList RepositoryReadCsvFile(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string attachmentId, string separator, string quoteChar, string quoteEscChar, bool useQuotes, bool unquoteValues, int skipLines, IntArray selectColumns)


Reads a CSV file from a repository project and returns its content.

Supported Runtime Versions

4.0, 5.0

Parameters Description
repositoryConnection Repository connection that points to the project to read the CSV file from.
attachmentId ID of the file to be read.
separator The character used for separating fields in the CSV file.
quoteChar The character used for quoting single fields in the CSV file.
quoteEscChar The character used for escaping the quote character when it occurs in a value.
useQuotes Determines whether fields should be quoted (true) or not (false).
unquoteValues Determines whether quotes around fields should be returned (false) or not (true).
skipLines Sets the number of lines to be ignored at the beginning of the CSV file.
selectColumns Specifies the indices of the columns to be returned.

Return Value

The content of the CSV file.



StringListList RepositoryReadCsvFile(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string attachmentId)


Reads a CSV file from a repository project and returns its content. This function uses default values for the CSV parser: Separator is ",", quote character is ", quote escape character is ", fields should be quoted, quotes will not be returned. The UTF-8 encoding is used to read the content.

Supported Runtime Versions

4.0, 5.0

Parameters Description
repositoryConnection Repository connection that points to the project to read the CSV file from.
attachmentId ID of the file to be read.

Return Value

The content of the CSV file.



StringListList RepositoryReadCsvFile(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string attachmentId, string separator, string quoteChar, string quoteEscChar, bool useQuotes, bool unquoteValues)


Reads a CSV file from a repository project and returns its content.

Supported Runtime Versions

4.0, 5.0

Parameters Description
repositoryConnection Repository connection that points to the project to read the CSV file from.
attachmentId ID of the file to be read.
separator The character used for separating fields in the CSV file.
quoteChar The character used for quoting single fields in the CSV file.
quoteEscChar The character used for escaping the quote character when it occurs in a value.
useQuotes Determines whether fields should be quoted (true) or not (false).
unquoteValues Determines whether quotes around fields should be returned (false) or not (true).

Return Value

The content of the CSV file.



StringListList RepositoryReadCsvFile(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string attachmentId, string encoding)


Reads a CSV file from a repository project and returns its content. This function uses default values for the CSV parser: Separator is ",", quote character is ", quote escape character is ", fields should be quoted, quotes will not be returned.

Supported Runtime Versions

4.0, 5.0

Parameters Description
repositoryConnection Repository connection that points to the project to read the CSV file from.
attachmentId ID of the file to be read.
encoding The encoding used to read the file.

Return Value

The content of the CSV file.



StringListList RepositoryReadCsvFile(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string attachmentId, string encoding, string separator, string quoteChar, string quoteEscChar, bool useQuotes, bool unquoteValues)


Reads a CSV file from a repository project and returns its content.

Supported Runtime Versions

4.0, 5.0

Parameters Description
repositoryConnection Repository connection that points to the project to read the CSV file from.
attachmentId ID of the file to be read.
encoding The encoding used to read the file.
separator The character used for separating fields in the CSV file.
quoteChar The character used for quoting single fields in the CSV file.
quoteEscChar The character used for escaping the quote character when it occurs in a value.
useQuotes Determines whether fields should be quoted (true) or not (false).
unquoteValues Determines whether quotes around fields should be returned (false) or not (true).

Return Value

The content of the CSV file.



StringListList RepositoryReadCsvFile(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string attachmentId, string encoding, string separator, string quoteChar, string quoteEscChar, bool useQuotes, bool unquoteValues, int skipLines, IntArray selectColumns)


Reads a CSV file from a repository project and returns its content.

Supported Runtime Versions

4.0, 5.0

Parameters Description
repositoryConnection Repository connection that points to the project to read the CSV file from.
attachmentId ID of the file to be read.
encoding The encoding used to read the file.
separator The character used for separating fields in the CSV file.
quoteChar The character used for quoting single fields in the CSV file.
quoteEscChar The character used for escaping the quote character when it occurs in a value.
useQuotes Determines whether fields should be quoted (true) or not (false).
unquoteValues Determines whether quotes around fields should be returned (false) or not (true).
skipLines Sets the number of lines to be ignored at the beginning of the CSV file.
selectColumns Specifies the indices of the columns to be returned.

Return Value

The content of the CSV file.



string RepositoryReadFile(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string attachmentId)


Reads a file from a repository project and returns its content. The UTF-8 encoding is used to read the content.

Supported Runtime Versions

4.0, 5.0

Parameters Description
repositoryConnection Repository connection that points to the project to read the file from.
attachmentId ID of the file to be read.

Return Value

The file's content.



string RepositoryReadFile(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string attachmentId, string encoding)


Reads a file from a repository project and returns its content.

Supported Runtime Versions

4.0, 5.0

Parameters Description
repositoryConnection Repository connection that points to the project to read the file from.
attachmentId ID of the file to be read.
encoding The encoding used to read the content.

Return Value

The file's content.



BinaryData RepositoryReadSharedMedia(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string mediaUniqueName)


Reads the Shared Media data into the binary data stream.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
repositoryConnection Repository connection that points to the project.
mediaUniqueName Shared Media unique name.

Return Value

Binary data.



bool RepositorySharedMediaExists(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection, string mediaUniqueName)


Checks if the given Shared Media exists.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
repositoryConnection Repository connection that points to the project.
mediaUniqueName Unique name of the Shared Media to be checked.

Return Value

True if the given Shared Media could be deleted.



void WriteLocalFile(string fileName, BinaryData binaryData)


Writes the stream content to the file.

Supported Runtime Versions


This function is not supported in a cloud environment.

Parameters Description
fileName File path to write data to.
binaryData Binary data to write to file to.

Return Value

Does not return a value.



void WriteLocalFile(string name, string content)


Writes a file to a local file system.

Supported Runtime Versions

3.0, 4.0, 5.0

This function is not supported in a cloud environment.

Parameters Description
name Name of the file to be written.
content Content of the file to be written.

Return Value

Does not return a value.



void WriteLocalFile(string name, string content, string encoding)


Writes a file to a local file system and applies a certain encoding to its content.

Supported Runtime Versions

3.0, 4.0, 5.0

This function is not supported in a cloud environment.

Parameters Description
name Name of the file to be written.
content Content of the file to be written.
encoding The encoding of the file to be written.

Return Value

Does not return a value.