Journal functions



void AddEntry(GroupJournalDictionary dictionary, string key, GroupJournal value)


Adds a new journal with a specific key to a dictionary.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
dictionary The dictionary to add to.
key The key to add.
value The journal to add.

Return Value

Does not return a value.



void AddEntry(CompanyJournalDictionary dictionary, string key, CompanyJournal value)


Adds a new journal with a specific key to a dictionary.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
dictionary The dictionary to add to.
key The key to add.
value The journal to add.

Return Value

Does not return a value.



void ConsolidationAddCompanyJournalLine(CompanyJournal journal, string intercompany, string account, string detail, string description, double debit, double credit)


Adds a journal line to a company journal.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
journal The journal to add the line to.
intercompany The intercompany to post to.
account The account to post to.
detail The detail to post to. Can be empty if no schedules should be used.
description The description text of the line.
debit The debit amount.
credit The credit amount.

Return Value

Does not return a value.



void ConsolidationAddCompanyJournalLine(CompanyJournal journal, string intercompany, string account, string detail, string s1, string ps1, string s2, string ps2, string s3, string ps3, string description, double debit, double credit)


Adds a journal line to a company segment journal.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
journal The journal to add the line to.
intercompany The intercompany to post to.
account The account to post to.
detail The schedule detail to post to.
s1 The first segment to post to.
ps1 The first partner segment to post to.
s2 The second segment to post to.
ps2 The second partner segment to post to.
s3 The third segment to post to.
ps3 The third partner segment to post to.
description The description text of the line.
debit The debit amount.
credit The credit amount.

Return Value

Does not return a value.



void ConsolidationAddGroupJournalLine(GroupJournal journal, string company, string intercompany, string account, string detail, string description, double debit, double credit)


Adds a journal line to a company journal.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
journal The journal to add the line to.
company The company to post to.
intercompany The intercompany to post to.
account The account to post to.
detail The detail to post to. Can be empty if no schedules should be used.
description The description text of the line.
debit The debit amount.
credit The credit amount.

Return Value

Does not return a value.



void ConsolidationAddGroupJournalLine(GroupJournal journal, string company, string intercompany, string account, string detail, string s1, string ps1, string s2, string ps2, string s3, string ps3, string description, double debit, double credit)


Adds a journal line to a group segment journal.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
journal The journal to add the line to.
company The company to post to.
intercompany The intercompany to post to.
account The account to post to.
detail The schedule detail to post to.
s1 The first segment to post to.
ps1 The first partner segment to post to.
s2 The second segment to post to.
ps2 The second partner segment to post to.
s3 The third segment to post to.
ps3 The third partner segment to post to.
description The description text of the line.
debit The debit amount.
credit The credit amount.

Return Value

Does not return a value.



bool ConsolidationAlignScheduleData(string applicationName, string configurationSet, string targetYear, StringList targetPeriods, string targetVersion, StringList entities)


Aligns the schedule data of a given target context.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName The application name.
configurationSet The target configuration set.
targetYear The target year.
targetPeriods The target list of periods.
targetVersion The target version.
entities The target list of entities.

Return Value

True if align schedule data process is successful, false otherwise.



bool ConsolidationCalculateGroupOwnership(string applicationName, string configurationSet, string targetYear, StringList targetPeriods, string targetVersion, StringList groups, bool includeSubgroups)


Calculates Group Ownership of a target context.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName The application name.
configurationSet The configuration set.
targetYear The year.
targetPeriods The list of periods.
targetVersion The version.
groups The list of groups.
includeSubgroups Set to true if subgroups are automatically calculated.

Return Value

True if Group Ownership calculation is successful, false otherwise.



bool ConsolidationCancelCompanyJournal(JournalStore store, CompanyJournal journal)


Cancels a company journal given its journal object.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The store to manage the journals.
journal The journal to cancel.

Return Value

True if successful, false otherwise.



bool ConsolidationCancelCompanyJournals(JournalStore store, string cycle, string year, string period, string scenario, string company, string category, string level)


Cancels company journals filtered by the provided arguments.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The store to manage the journals.
cycle A cycle to filter the journals.
year A year to filter the journals.
period A period to filter the journals.
scenario A scenario to filter the journals.
company A company to filter the journals.
category A category to filter the journals.
level The level at which to filter the journals. Leave empty to filter at all levels.

Return Value

True if successful, false otherwise.



bool ConsolidationCancelGroupJournal(JournalStore store, GroupJournal journal)


Cancels a group journal given its journal object.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The store to manage the journals.
journal The journal to cancel.

Return Value

True if successful, false otherwise.



bool ConsolidationCancelGroupJournals(JournalStore store, string cycle, string year, string period, string scenario, string group, string category, string level)


Cancels group journals filtered by the provided arguments.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The store to manage the journals.
cycle A cycle to filter the journals.
year A year to filter the journals.
period A period to filter the journals.
scenario A scenario to filter the journals.
group A company to filter the journals.
category A category to filter the journals.
level The level at which to filter the journals. Leave empty to filter at all levels.

Return Value

True if successful, false otherwise.



bool ConsolidationCarryForwardSchedules(string applicationName, string configurationSet, string targetYear, StringList targetPeriods, string targetVersion, StringList entities, string sourceYear, string sourcePeriod, string sourceVersion)


Carry forward schedules of a given context to target context.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName The application name.
configurationSet The target configuration set.
targetYear The target year.
targetPeriods The target list of periods.
targetVersion The target version.
entities The target list of entities.
sourceYear The source year.
sourcePeriod The source period.
sourceVersion The source version.

Return Value

True if carry forward schedules process is successful, false otherwise.



bool ConsolidationCheckCompanyJournalAlignment(string applicationName, string cycle, string time, string scenario, string company)


Indicates whether the company journal data in relational storage and OLAP are aligned.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName The name of the application to be checked.
cycle The cycle to filter the journals to be checked.
time The time (MM.YYYY period ID format) to filter the journals to be checked.
scenario The scenario to filter the journals to be checked.
company The company to filter the journals to be checked.

Return Value

True if the data are aligned, false if not.



bool ConsolidationCheckGroupJournalAlignment(string applicationName, string cycle, string time, string scenario, string group)


Indicates whether the group journal data in relational storage and OLAP are aligned.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName The name of the application to be checked.
cycle The cycle to filter the journals to be checked.
time The time (MM.YYYY period ID format) to filter the journals to be checked.
scenario The scenario to filter the journals to be checked.
group The group to filter the journals to be checked.

Return Value

True if the data are aligned, false if not.



bool ConsolidationCopyCashflowParameters(string applicationName, string configurationSet, string targetYear, StringList targetPeriods, string targetVersion, string sourceYear, string sourcePeriod, string sourceVersion)


Copies the cashflow parameters of a given context to target context.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName The application name.
configurationSet The target configuration set.
targetYear The target year.
targetPeriods The target list of periods.
targetVersion The target version.
sourceYear The source year.
sourcePeriod The source period.
sourceVersion The source version.

Return Value

True if copy cashflow parameters process is successful, false otherwise.



bool ConsolidationCopyEntityParameters(string applicationName, string configurationSet, string targetYear, StringList targetPeriods, string targetVersion, StringList entities, string sourceYear, string sourcePeriod, string sourceVersion)


Copies the entity parameters of a given context to target context.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName The application name.
configurationSet The target configuration set.
targetYear The target year.
targetPeriods The target list of periods.
targetVersion The target version.
entities The target list of entities.
sourceYear The source year.
sourcePeriod The source period.
sourceVersion The source version.

Return Value

True if copy process is successful, false otherwise.



bool ConsolidationCopyGroupParameters(string applicationName, string configurationSet, string targetYear, StringList targetPeriods, string targetVersion, StringList groups, string sourceYear, string sourcePeriod, string sourceVersion)


Copies the group parameters of a given context to target context.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName The application name.
configurationSet The target configuration set.
targetYear The target year.
targetPeriods The target list of periods.
targetVersion The target version.
groups The target list of groups.
sourceYear The source year.
sourcePeriod The source period.
sourceVersion The source version.

Return Value

True if copy process is successful, false otherwise.



bool ConsolidationCopyHistoricalExchangeRates(string applicationName, string configurationSet, string targetYear, StringList targetPeriods, string targetVersion, StringList entities, string sourceYear, string sourcePeriod, string sourceVersion)


Copies the historical exchange rates of a given context to target context.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName The application name.
configurationSet The target configuration set.
targetYear The target year.
targetPeriods The target list of periods.
targetVersion The target version.
entities The target list of entities.
sourceYear The source year.
sourcePeriod The source period.
sourceVersion The source version.

Return Value

True if copy process is successful, false otherwise.



bool ConsolidationCopyParameters(JournalStore store, StringArray parameterNames, string sourceCycle, string sourceVersion, string sourcePeriod, string sourceYear, string targetCycle, string targetVersion, string targetPeriod, string targetYear)


Copies the parameter settings of a given source context to target context.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The store to manage the journals.
parameterNames Parameters to be copied.
sourceCycle The source cycle.
sourceVersion The source version.
sourcePeriod The source period.
sourceYear The source year.
targetCycle The target cycle.
targetVersion The target version.
targetPeriod The target period.
targetYear The target year.

Return Value

True if successful, false otherwise.



bool ConsolidationCopyProfitMargin(string applicationName, string configurationSet, string targetYear, StringList targetPeriods, string targetVersion, StringList entities, string sourceYear, string sourcePeriod, string sourceVersion)


Copies the profit margin of a given context to target context.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName The application name.
configurationSet The target configuration set.
targetYear The target year.
targetPeriods The target list of periods.
targetVersion The target version.
entities The target list of entities.
sourceYear The source year.
sourcePeriod The source period.
sourceVersion The source version.

Return Value

True if copy process is successful, false otherwise.



bool ConsolidationCopyStandardExchangeRates(string applicationName, string configurationSet, string targetYear, StringList targetPeriods, string targetVersion, string sourceYear, string sourcePeriod, string sourceVersion)


Copies the standard exchange rates of a given context to target context.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName The application name.
configurationSet The target configuration set.
targetYear The target year.
targetPeriods The target list of periods.
targetVersion The target version.
sourceYear The source year.
sourcePeriod The source period.
sourceVersion The source version.

Return Value

True if copy process is successful, false otherwise.



CompanyJournal ConsolidationCreateCompanyJournal(JournalStore store, string cycle, string year, string period, string scenario, string company, string level, string category, string description, bool automatic)


Creates a new company journal.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The journal store.
cycle A cycle to filter the journals.
year The year to post to.
period The period to post to.
scenario The scenario to post to.
company The company to post to.
level The level to post to.
category The category of the journal.
description The comment of the journal.
automatic Indicates whether the journal should be marked automatic.

Return Value

The new journal.



CompanyJournal ConsolidationCreateCompanyJournal(JournalStore store, string cycle, string year, string period, string scenario, string company, string level, string category, string description, bool automatic, string recurringJournalId)


Creates a new company journal with recurring journal reference.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The journal store.
cycle A cycle to filter the journals.
year The year to post to.
period The period to post to.
scenario The scenario to post to.
company The company to post to.
level The level to post to.
category The category of the journal.
description The comment of the journal.
automatic Indicates whether the journal should be marked automatic.
recurringJournalId The recurring ID reference of the journal.

Return Value

The new journal.



CompanyJournal ConsolidationCreateCompanyJournal(JournalStore store, string cycle, string year, string period, string scenario, string company, string level, string segmentlevel, string category, string description, bool automatic)


Creates a new company segment journal.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The journal store.
cycle A cycle to filter the journals.
year The year to post to.
period The period to post to.
scenario The scenario to post to.
company The company to post to.
level The level to post to.
segmentlevel The segment level to post to.
category The category of the journal.
description The comment of the journal.
automatic Indicates whether the journal should be marked automatic.

Return Value

The new journal.



CompanyJournal ConsolidationCreateCompanyJournal(JournalStore store, string cycle, string year, string period, string scenario, string company, string level, string segmentlevel, string category, string description, bool automatic, string recurringJournalId)


Creates a new company segment journal with recurring journal reference.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The journal store.
cycle A cycle to filter the journals.
year The year to post to.
period The period to post to.
scenario The scenario to post to.
company The company to post to.
level The level to post to.
segmentlevel The segment level to post to.
category The category of the journal.
description The comment of the journal.
automatic Indicates whether the journal should be marked automatic.
recurringJournalId The recurring ID reference of the journal.

Return Value

The new journal.



GroupJournal ConsolidationCreateGroupJournal(JournalStore store, string cycle, string year, string period, string scenario, string group, string level, string category, string description, bool automatic)


Creates a new group journal.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The journal stores.
cycle The cycle to post to.
year The year to post to.
period The period to post to.
scenario The scenario to post to.
group The group to post to.
level The level to post to.
category The category of the journal.
description The description of the journal.
automatic Indicates whether the journal should be marked automatic.

Return Value

The new journal.



GroupJournal ConsolidationCreateGroupJournal(JournalStore store, string cycle, string year, string period, string scenario, string group, string level, string category, string description, bool automatic, string recurringJournalId)


Creates a new group journal with recurring journal reference.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The journal stores.
cycle The cycle to post to.
year The year to post to.
period The period to post to.
scenario The scenario to post to.
group The group to post to.
level The level to post to.
category The category of the journal.
description The description of the journal.
automatic Indicates whether the journal should be marked automatic.
recurringJournalId The recurring ID reference of the journal.

Return Value

The new journal.



GroupJournal ConsolidationCreateGroupJournal(JournalStore store, string cycle, string year, string period, string scenario, string group, string grouplevel, string segmentlevel, string category, string description, bool automatic)


Creates a new group segment journal.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The journal store.
cycle The cycle to post to.
year The year to post to.
period The period to post to.
scenario The scenario to post to.
group The group to post to.
grouplevel The group level to post to.
segmentlevel The segment level to post to.
category The category of the journal.
description The description of the journal.
automatic Indicates whether the journal should be marked automatic.

Return Value

The new journal.



GroupJournal ConsolidationCreateGroupJournal(JournalStore store, string cycle, string year, string period, string scenario, string group, string grouplevel, string segmentlevel, string category, string description, bool automatic, string recurringJournalId)


Creates a new group segment journal with recurring journal reference.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The journal store.
cycle The cycle to post to.
year The year to post to.
period The period to post to.
scenario The scenario to post to.
group The group to post to.
grouplevel The group level to post to.
segmentlevel The segment level to post to.
category The category of the journal.
description The description of the journal.
automatic Indicates whether the journal should be marked automatic.
recurringJournalId The recurring ID reference of the journal.

Return Value

The new journal.



JournalStore ConsolidationCreateJournalStore(OLAPConnection olapConnection)


Creates a new journal store. A journal store is used to load and save journals.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
olapConnection A connection to an OLAP server.

Return Value

A new journal store.



bool ConsolidationCreateOwnershipChangeRequest(string applicationName, string configurationSet, string targetYear, string targetPeriod, string targetVersion, string ownerEntity, string ownedEntity, double ownership, double control)


Creates Entity Ownership request to target context.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName The application name.
configurationSet The configuration set.
targetYear The year.
targetPeriod The period.
targetVersion The version.
ownerEntity The Owner Entity.
ownedEntity The Entity to be Owned.
ownership Ownership change value. Should match the sign of the Control change value.
control Control change value. Should match the sign of the Ownership change value.

Return Value

True if Entity Ownership request creation is successful, false otherwise.



bool ConsolidationExecuteEntityProcesses(string applicationName, string configurationSet, string targetYear, StringList targetPeriods, string targetVersion, StringList entities, StringList processList)


Executes entity processes of a given context.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName The application name.
configurationSet The target configuration set.
targetYear The target year.
targetPeriods The target list of periods.
targetVersion The target version.
entities The target list of entities.
processList The list of processes to be executed.

Return Value

True if execute process is successful, false otherwise.



bool ConsolidationExecuteGroupProcesses(string applicationName, string configurationSet, string targetYear, StringList targetPeriods, string targetVersion, StringList groups, StringList processList)


Executes group processes of a given context.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName The application name.
configurationSet The target configuration set.
targetYear The target year.
targetPeriods The target list of periods.
targetVersion The target version.
groups The target list of groups.
processList The list of processes to be executed.

Return Value

True if execute process is successful, false otherwise.



CompanyJournal ConsolidationGetCompanyJournalById(JournalStore store, string journalId)


Gets the journal data of an entity journal based on the given technical ID.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The store to manage the journals.
journalId The GUID/technical ID of the journal to search.

Return Value

The journal data of entity journal matching the filter.



double ConsolidationGetCompanyJournalLineNumericProperty(CompanyJournalLine line, string propertyName)


Gets a certain numeric property from a CompanyJournalLine object.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
line The journal line to return the property for.
propertyName Name of the property to be returned.

Return Value

The property named 'propertyName'.



string ConsolidationGetCompanyJournalLineProperty(CompanyJournalLine line, string propertyName)


Gets a certain string property from a CompanyJournalLine object.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
line The journal line to return the property for.
propertyName Name of the property to be returned.

Return Value

The property named 'propertyName'.



CompanyJournalLineList ConsolidationGetCompanyJournalLines(CompanyJournal journal)


Gets a list of all journal lines.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
journal The journal to return all lines for.

Return Value

A list of all lines stored in a journal.



string ConsolidationGetCompanyJournalProperty(CompanyJournal journal, string propertyName)


Gets a certain string property from a CompanyJournal object.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
journal The journal to return the property for.
propertyName Name of the property to be returned.

Return Value

The property named 'propertyName'.



CompanyJournalList ConsolidationGetCompanyJournals(JournalStore store, string cycle, string year, string period, string scenario, string company, string category, string level, bool automatic, bool cancelled)


Gets a list of company journals corresponding to the filters provided as arguments.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The store to manage the journals.
cycle A cycle to filter the journals.
year The year to filter. If empty or (*), years will not be filtered.
period The period to filter. If empty or (*), periods will not be filtered.
scenario The scenario to filter. If empty or (*), scenarios will not be filtered.
company The company to filter. If empty or (*), companies will not be filtered.
category The category to filter. If (*), categories will not be filtered.
level The level to filter. If empty or (*), levels will not be filtered.
automatic Indicates whether automatic or manual journals are returned.
cancelled Indicates whether canceled or posted journals are returned.

Return Value

The list of company journals matching the filters.



CompanyJournalList ConsolidationGetCompanyJournals(JournalStore store, string cycle, string year, string period, string scenario, string company, string category, string level, string account, bool automatic, bool cancelled)


Gets a list of company journals corresponding to the filters provided as arguments.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The store to manage the journals.
cycle A cycle to filter the journals.
year The year to filter. If empty or (*), years will not be filtered.
period The period to filter. If empty or (*), periods will not be filtered.
scenario The scenario to filter. If empty or (*), scenarios will not be filtered.
company The company to filter. If empty or (*), companies will not be filtered.
category The category to filter. If (*), categories will not be filtered.
level The level to filter. If empty or (*), levels will not be filtered.
account The account to filter. If empty or (*), accounts will not be filtered.
automatic Indicates whether automatic or manual journals are returned.
cancelled Indicates whether canceled or posted journals are returned.

Return Value

The list of company journals matching the filters.



CompanyJournalList ConsolidationGetCompanyJournals(JournalStore store, string cycle, string year, string period, string scenario, string company, StringList categories, StringList levels, StringList accounts, StringList details, StringList intercompanies)


Gets a list of company journals corresponding to the filters provided as arguments.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The store to manage the journals.
cycle A cycle to filter the journals.
year The year to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), years will not be filtered.
period The period to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), periods will not be filtered.
scenario The scenario to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), scenarios will not be filtered.
company The company to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), companies will not be filtered.
categories The categories to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), categories will not be filtered.
levels The levels to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), levels will not be filtered.
accounts The accounts to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), accounts will not be filtered.
details The details to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), details will not be filtered. Empty value represents journal lines with accounts that do not use details.
intercompanies The intercompanies to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), intercompanies will not be filtered. Empty value represents journal lines with accounts that do not use intercompanies.

Return Value

The list of company journals matching the filters.



CompanyJournalList ConsolidationGetCompanyJournals(JournalStore store, string cycle, string year, string period, string scenario, string company, StringList categories, StringList levels, StringList accounts, StringList details, StringList intercompanies, StringList primarySegments, StringList secondarySegments, StringList tertiarySegments, StringList primaryPartnerSegments, StringList secondaryPartnerSegments, StringList tertiaryPartnerSegments)


Gets a list of company journals corresponding to the filters provided as arguments.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The store to manage the journals.
cycle A cycle to filter the journals.
year The year to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), years will not be filtered.
period The period to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), periods will not be filtered.
scenario The scenario to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), scenarios will not be filtered.
company The company to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), companies will not be filtered.
categories The categories to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), categories will not be filtered.
levels The levels to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), levels will not be filtered.
accounts The accounts to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), accounts will not be filtered.
details The details to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), details will not be filtered. Empty value represents journal lines with accounts that do not use details.
intercompanies The intercompanies to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), intercompanies will not be filtered. Empty value represents journal lines with accounts that do not use intercompanies.
primarySegments The primary segments to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), the primary segments will not be filtered. Empty value represents journal lines with accounts that do not use the primary segments.
secondarySegments The secondary segments to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), the secondary segments will not be filtered. Empty value represents journal lines with accounts that do not use the secondary segments.
tertiarySegments The tertiary segments to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), the tertiary segments will not be filtered. Empty value represents journal lines with accounts that do not use the tertiary segments.
primaryPartnerSegments The primary partner segments to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), the primary partner segments will not be filtered. Empty value represents journal lines with accounts that do not use the primary partner segments.
secondaryPartnerSegments The secondary partner segments to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), the secondary partner segments will not be filtered. Empty value represents journal lines with accounts that do not use the secondary partner segments.
tertiaryPartnerSegments The tertiary partner segments to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), the tertiary partner segments will not be filtered. Empty value represents journal lines with accounts that do not use the tertiary partner segments.

Return Value

The list of company journals matching the filters.



CompanyJournalList ConsolidationGetCompanyJournalsByIds(JournalStore store, StringArray journalIds)


Gets a list of company journals based on the given technical IDs.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The store to manage the journals.
journalIds The list/array of journal technical IDs/GUIDs to search for.

Return Value

The list of company journals matching the filters.



GroupJournal ConsolidationGetGroupJournalById(JournalStore store, string journalId)


Gets the journal data of a group journal based on the given technical ID.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The store to manage the journals.
journalId The GUID/technical ID of the journal to search.

Return Value

The journal data of group journal matching the filter.



double ConsolidationGetGroupJournalLineNumericProperty(GroupJournalLine line, string propertyName)


Gets a certain numeric property from a GroupJournalLine object.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
line The journal line to return the property for.
propertyName Name of the property to be returned.

Return Value

The property named 'propertyName'.



string ConsolidationGetGroupJournalLineProperty(GroupJournalLine line, string propertyName)


Gets a certain string property from a GroupJournalLine object.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
line The journal line to return the property for.
propertyName Name of the property to be returned.

Return Value

The property named 'propertyName'.



GroupJournalLineList ConsolidationGetGroupJournalLines(GroupJournal journal)


Gets a list of all journal lines.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
journal The journal to return all lines for.

Return Value

A list of all lines stored in a journal.



string ConsolidationGetGroupJournalProperty(GroupJournal journal, string propertyName)


Gets a certain string property from a GroupJournal object.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
journal The journal to return the property for.
propertyName Name of the property to be returned.

Return Value

The property named 'propertyName'.



GroupJournalList ConsolidationGetGroupJournals(JournalStore store, string cycle, string year, string period, string scenario, string group, string category, string level, bool automatic, bool cancelled)


Gets a list of group journals corresponding to the filters provided as arguments.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The store to manage the journals.
cycle The cycle to filter.
year The year to filter. If empty or (*), years will not be filtered.
period The period to filter. If empty or (*), periods will not be filtered.
scenario The scenario to filter. If empty or (*), scenarios will not be filtered.
group The group to filter. If empty or (*), groups will not be filtered.
category The category to filter. If (*), categories will not be filtered.
level The level to filter. If empty or (*), levels will not be filtered.
automatic Indicates whether automatic or manual journals are returned.
cancelled Indicates whether canceled or posted journals are returned.

Return Value

The list of group journals matching the filters.



GroupJournalList ConsolidationGetGroupJournals(JournalStore store, string cycle, string year, string period, string scenario, string group, string category, string level, string account, bool automatic, bool cancelled)


Gets a list of group journals corresponding to the filters provided as arguments.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The store to manage the journals.
cycle The cycle to filter.
year The year to filter. If empty or (*), years will not be filtered.
period The period to filter. If empty or (*), periods will not be filtered.
scenario The scenario to filter. If empty or (*), scenarios will not be filtered.
group The group to filter. If empty or (*), groups will not be filtered.
category The category to filter. If (*), categories will not be filtered.
level The level to filter. If empty or (*), levels will not be filtered.
account The account to filter. If empty or (*), accounts will not be filtered.
automatic Indicates whether automatic or manual journals are returned.
cancelled Indicates whether canceled or posted journals are returned.

Return Value

The list of group journals matching the filters.



GroupJournalList ConsolidationGetGroupJournals(JournalStore store, string cycle, string year, string period, string scenario, string group, StringList categories, StringList levels, StringList accounts, StringList details, StringList companies, StringList intercompanies)


Gets a list of group journals corresponding to the filters provided as arguments.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The store to manage the journals.
cycle The cycle to filter.
year The year to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), years will not be filtered.
period The period to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), periods will not be filtered.
scenario The scenario to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), scenarios will not be filtered.
group The group to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), groups will not be filtered.
categories The categories to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), categories will not be filtered.
levels The levels to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), levels will not be filtered.
accounts The accounts to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), accounts will not be filtered.
details The details to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), details will not be filtered. Empty value represents journal lines with accounts that do not use details.
companies The companies to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), companies will not be filtered.
intercompanies The intercompanies to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), intercompanies will not be filtered. Empty value represents journal lines with accounts that do not use intercompanies.

Return Value

The list of group journals matching the filters.



GroupJournalList ConsolidationGetGroupJournals(JournalStore store, string cycle, string year, string period, string scenario, string group, StringList categories, StringList levels, StringList accounts, StringList details, StringList companies, StringList intercompanies, StringList primarySegments, StringList secondarySegments, StringList tertiarySegments, StringList primaryPartnerSegments, StringList secondaryPartnerSegments, StringList tertiaryPartnerSegments)


Gets a list of group journals corresponding to the filters provided as arguments.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The store to manage the journals.
cycle The cycle to filter.
year The year to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), years will not be filtered.
period The period to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), periods will not be filtered.
scenario The scenario to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), scenarios will not be filtered.
group The group to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), groups will not be filtered.
categories The categories to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), categories will not be filtered.
levels The levels to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), levels will not be filtered.
accounts The accounts to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), accounts will not be filtered.
details The details to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), details will not be filtered. Empty value represents journal lines with accounts that do not use details.
companies The companies to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), companies will not be filtered.
intercompanies The intercompanies to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), intercompanies will not be filtered. Empty value represents journal lines with accounts that do not use intercompanies.
primarySegments The primary segments to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), the primary segments will not be filtered. Empty value represents journal lines with accounts that do not use the primary segments.
secondarySegments The secondary segments to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), the secondary segments will not be filtered. Empty value represents journal lines with accounts that do not use the secondary segments.
tertiarySegments The tertiary segments to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), the tertiary segments will not be filtered. Empty value represents journal lines with accounts that do not use the tertiary segments.
primaryPartnerSegments The primary partner segments to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), the primary partner segments will not be filtered. Empty value represents journal lines with accounts that do not use the primary partner segments.
secondaryPartnerSegments The secondary partner segments to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), the secondary partner segments will not be filtered. Empty value represents journal lines with accounts that do not use the secondary partner segments.
tertiaryPartnerSegments The tertiary partner segments to filter. If the parameter contains only (*), the tertiary partner segments will not be filtered. Empty value represents journal lines with accounts that do not use the tertiary partner segments.

Return Value

The list of group journals matching the filters.



GroupJournalList ConsolidationGetGroupJournalsByIds(JournalStore store, StringArray journalIds)


Gets a list of group journals based on the given technical IDs.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The store to manage the journals.
journalIds The list/array of journal technical IDs/GUIDs to search for.

Return Value

The list of group journals matching the filters.



CompanyJournal ConsolidationGetRecurringCompanyJournalById(JournalStore store, string journalId)


Gets the journal data of a recurring company journal based on the given technical ID.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The store to manage the journals.
journalId The GUID/technical ID of the journal to search.

Return Value

The journal data of recurring entity journal matching the filter.



CompanyJournalList ConsolidationGetRecurringCompanyJournals(JournalStore store, string cycle, string year, string period, string scenario, string company)


Gets a list of recurring company journals corresponding to the filters provided as arguments.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The store to manage the journals.
cycle A cycle to filter the journals.
year The year to filter. If empty or (*), years will not be filtered.
period The period to filter. If empty or (*), periods will not be filtered.
scenario The scenario to filter. If empty or (*), scenarios will not be filtered.
company The company to filter. If empty or (*), companies will not be filtered.

Return Value

The list of recurring company journals matching the filters.



CompanyJournalList ConsolidationGetRecurringCompanyJournalsByIds(JournalStore store, StringArray journalIds)


Gets a list of recurring company journals based on the given technical IDs.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The store to manage the journals.
journalIds The list/array of journal technical IDs/GUIDs to search for.

Return Value

The list of recurring company journals matching the filters.



GroupJournal ConsolidationGetRecurringGroupJournalById(JournalStore store, string journalId)


Gets the journal data of a recurring group journal based on the given technical ID.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The store to manage the journals.
journalId The GUID/technical ID of the journal to search.

Return Value

The journal data of recurring group journal matching the filter.



GroupJournalList ConsolidationGetRecurringGroupJournals(JournalStore store, string cycle, string year, string period, string scenario, string group)


Gets a list of recurring group journals corresponding to the filters provided as arguments.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The store to manage the journals.
cycle The cycle to filter.
year The year to filter. If empty or (*), years will not be filtered.
period The period to filter. If empty or (*), periods will not be filtered.
scenario The scenario to filter. If empty or (*), scenarios will not be filtered.
group The group to filter. If empty or (*), groups will not be filtered.

Return Value

The list of recurring group journals matching the filters.



GroupJournalList ConsolidationGetRecurringGroupJournalsByIds(JournalStore store, StringArray journalIds)


Gets a list of recurring group journals based on the given technical IDs.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The store to manage the journals.
journalIds The list/array of journal technical IDs/GUIDs to search for.

Return Value

The list of recurring group journals matching the filters.



double ConsolidationJournalDifference(CompanyJournal journal)


Gets the total difference of debit and credit for a journal.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
journal The journal to evaluate.

Return Value

The total debit credit difference.



double ConsolidationJournalDifference(GroupJournal journal)


Gets the total difference of debit and credit for a journal.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
journal The journal to evaluate.

Return Value

The total debit credit difference.



bool ConsolidationJournalIsBalanced(CompanyJournal journal)


Indicates whether a company journal is balanced.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
journal The journal to check.

Return Value

True if the journal is balanced, false if not.



bool ConsolidationJournalIsBalanced(GroupJournal journal)


Indicates whether a journal is balanced.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
journal The journal to check.

Return Value

True if the journal is balanced, false if not.



bool ConsolidationJournalIsEmpty(CompanyJournal journal)


Indicates whether a journal is empty, i.e. it has no journal lines.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
journal The journal to check.

Return Value

True if the journal is empty, false if not.



bool ConsolidationJournalIsEmpty(GroupJournal journal)


Indicates whether a journal is empty, i.e. it has no journal lines.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
journal The journal to check.

Return Value

True if the journal is empty, false if not.



bool ConsolidationLoadDataFromIntegration(string applicationName, string configurationSet, string targetYear, StringList targetPeriods, string targetVersion, StringList entities)


Loads data from integration based on a given context.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName The application name.
configurationSet The target configuration set.
targetYear The target year.
targetPeriods The target list of periods.
targetVersion The target version.
entities The target list of entities.

Return Value

True if load data process is successful, false otherwise.



bool ConsolidationLoadExchangeRatesFromIntegration(string applicationName, string configurationSet, string targetYear, StringList targetPeriods, string targetVersion)


Loads exchange rates from integration based on a given context.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName The application name.
configurationSet The target configuration set.
targetYear The target year.
targetPeriods The target list of periods.
targetVersion The target version.

Return Value

True if load exchange rates process is successful, false otherwise.



bool ConsolidationLoadTransactionsDataFromIntegration(string applicationName, string configurationSet, string targetYear, StringList targetPeriods, string targetVersion, StringList entities)


Loads transaction data from integration based on a given context.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName The application name.
configurationSet The target configuration set.
targetYear The target year.
targetPeriods The target list of periods.
targetVersion The target version.
entities The target list of entities.

Return Value

True if load data process is successful, false otherwise.



int ConsolidationPostJournal(JournalStore store, CompanyJournal journal)


Posts a company journal to the journal store and the journal values to the OLAP server.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The journal store to post to.
journal The journal to post.

Return Value

The resulting journal number.



int ConsolidationPostJournal(JournalStore store, GroupJournal journal)


Posts a group journal to the journal store and the journal values to the OLAP server.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
store The journal store to post to.
journal The journal to post.

Return Value

The resulting journal number.



bool ConsolidationRolloverEntityJournals(string applicationName, string configurationSet, string targetYear, StringList targetPeriods, string targetVersion, StringList entities, string sourceYear, string sourcePeriod, string sourceVersion)


Rollover entity journals of a given context to target context.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName The application name.
configurationSet The target configuration set.
targetYear The target year.
targetPeriods The target list of periods.
targetVersion The target version.
entities The target list of entities.
sourceYear The source year.
sourcePeriod The source period.
sourceVersion The source version.

Return Value

True if rollover entity journals process is successful, false otherwise.



bool ConsolidationRolloverGroupJournals(string applicationName, string configurationSet, string targetYear, StringList targetPeriods, string targetVersion, StringList groups, string sourceYear, string sourcePeriod, string sourceVersion)


Rollover group journals of a given context to target context.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
applicationName The application name.
configurationSet The target configuration set.
targetYear The target year.
targetPeriods The target list of periods.
targetVersion The target version.
groups The target list of groups.
sourceYear The source year.
sourcePeriod The source period.
sourceVersion The source version.

Return Value

True if rollover group journals process is successful, false otherwise.



CompanyJournalDictionary CreateCompanyJournalDictionary()


Creates a new company journal dictionary.

Supported Runtime Versions



The function has no parameters.

Return Value

The new dictionary.



GroupJournalDictionary CreateGroupJournalDictionary()


Creates a new group journal dictionary.

Supported Runtime Versions



The function has no parameters.

Return Value

The new dictionary.



GroupJournal GetEntry(GroupJournalDictionary dictionary, string key)


Gets a journal with a specific key from a dictionary.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
dictionary The dictionary to read from.
key The key of the journal to get.

Return Value

The journal corresponding to the key.



CompanyJournal GetEntry(CompanyJournalDictionary dictionary, string key)


Gets a journal with a specific key from a dictionary.

Supported Runtime Versions


Parameters Description
dictionary The dictionary to read from.
key The key of the journal to get.

Return Value

The journal corresponding to the key.