Vacancy calculations

Vacancy is the difference between the number of budgeted positions and the number of position assignments. This is shown in this calculation:

vacancy headcount = (authorized position headcount - sum of position assignment headcount)

Vacancy is calculated by Workforce Budgeting after you create a new position or make an adjustment to a position or position assignment.

Note: Position assignment headcount is always 1.

These factors affect vacancy cost calculations:

  • Authorized position headcount
  • FTE: Both budgeted position FTE and FTE for each position assignment

These calculations are performed:

vacancy FTE = [(authorized position headcount * position FTE) - sum of position assignment FTE]
vacancy costs = vacancy FTE * default position costs per 1 FTE
vacancy costs = [(authorized position headcount * position FTE) - sum of position assignment FTE] * default position costs per 1 FTE
Note: The same logic is applied to hourly positions and hourly position assignments. Pay period hours are translated into FTE based on the annual hours and pay periods.

Vacancy calculations are presented in the Workforce Detail report at the Employee budget level and on the Employee Roster page.

These examples present how vacancy costs are calculated for various scenarios based on these criteria:

  • Authorized headcount = 4
  • FTE = 0.5
  • Default salary, pay and benefit costs for a full-time position = 10,000 USD

Example 1

No positions are assigned. That is, no employees work in the vacant positions. Vacancy headcount = 4.

Vacancy costs: [(4*0.5–(0)]*10,000=20,000 USD

Example 2

Two positions are assigned. Two employees work part-time in these positions. Vacancy headcount = 2.

Vacancy costs: [(4*0.5)–(2*0.5)]*10,000=10,000 USD

Example 3

Two positions are assigned. Two employees work full-time in these positions.

Vacancy costs: [(4*0.5)–(2*1)]*10,000=0 USD

Vacancy FTE is 0. Therefore, vacancy costs are neither calculated nor presented in Workforce Budgeting reports.

Example 4

Four positions are assigned. Four employees work part-time in these positions.

Vacancy costs: [(4*0.5)–(4*0.5)]*10,000=0 USD

Vacancy FTE is 0. Therefore, vacancy costs are neither calculated nor presented in Workforce Budgeting reports.