Allocation report

You must perform allocations to see up-to-date data in Workforce Budgeting reports, and to transfer the correct costs to the finance budget. Allocations must be performed when a change is made to a job, position, employee, or to any salary or cost-related configuration. Performing allocations is required even if the allocation feature is disabled in Workforce Budgeting configuration.
Note: In Financial Summary report and Employee Roster, a notification is displayed if workforce-related data is changed. If required, you can update your data directly from these reports. If you start allocations from the Employee Roster page, you can allocate data for either a selected year or for the entire configuration set.

Use the Allocation report to view the effect of allocations on a specific organization.

To access the Allocation report, select Home > Module Settings and Budgeting > Reporting > Allocation Report.

To configure the report, specify these parameters:

  • Configuration set
  • Version
  • Entities
  • Organizations
Click Perform New Allocation in the configuration area to run the allocation process.
Note:  Allocations that are performed through the Allocation report are always done for all months of the configuration set.

The Allocation report displays the organizations and the positions within them, and the names of the employees that are assigned to those positions.

The report shows the total salary for each position. The total salary is the value of all salary and supplemental pay actions before allocating costs.