Using actions to jump to earlier reports

Generally, not all users need to view all the available data. We have seen that providing all the data in one report can be difficult to manage. Often it is better to create several smaller reports and provide jumps between them. A jump is one of several types of action in Application Studio.

  1. Open the Tutorial4 report.
  2. In Design mode, click cell B1 and specify Earlier Versions.
  3. Right-click B1 and select Format Cells.
  4. Click the Pattern tab, select a background color from the Primary color palette, and click OK.
    If necessary, specify a different font color.
  5. Right-click B1 and select Define Action.
    The Define Action dialog box is displayed. Every action comprises a mode, inputs and, depending on the type of action, parameters.
  6. Select Jump as the action Type and =TRUE as the condition.
  7. In the Mode list, select Shortcut menu on left-click.
  8. In the Inputs/Options section, click the value of the target report and click the browse button. Select Tutorial1 as the target report.
  9. In the Actions section, click Add Action.
  10. Specify a second jump action but select Tutorial2 as the target report
  11. Specify a third jump action and select Tutorial3 as the target report.
  12. Click OK.
  13. Save the report.
  14. In View mode, click Earlier Versions to open the list of earlier reports. Click a report name to jump to that report.
  15. Select Tutorial4 in the Report Catalog to return to Tutorial4.