Creating columns for Budget and Forecast

  1. Click the border of the Product hyperblock to select it.
  2. Drag the right-hand edge of the Product hyperblock to cell E11.
    The hyperblock now occupies cells B11 to E11.
  3. Click D11, open the Edit OLAP Formula dialog box and click Select Hierarchy.
  4. Select the Value Type hierarchy.
  5. Click Actual in the Selection column and click the browse button.
  6. In the Edit Formula dialog box, expand Variance in the Elements tab and double-click the Budget element. Click OK.
    D11 now contains a CELLGET formula.
  7. Repeat Steps 3 to 6 to create a formula in E11, with Forecast as the value of the Valtype element.
  8. Create column headings by adding these texts to the specified cells:
    Text Cell
    Actual C9
    Budget D9
    Forecast E9
  9. Use TRANSLATEUNIQUESTRING to ensure that the labels are translated if the report language is changed.