Managing web access certificate

The Web access certificate is used to secure the public URL of Dashboards. It can be either generated by the Service Expert as a self-signed certificate or you can import your own. The custom certificate is also known as the Certification Agency-signed (CA-signed) certificate.
Note: You must create a Master certificate, Web access certificate or both depending on which SSL/TLS encryption check box is selected in the Security section.
  1. On the Global Security tab, in the Certificates section, click Create.
  2. To import a custom (CA-signed) certificate:
    1. Browse to where the file is stored.
    2. Specify your password.
    Note: To export the certificate, access the server where the Configuration Service Worker is installed and configured.
  3. To generate a certificate that is signed by the Master certificate of the farm, select the Generate a new self-signed certificate option:
    1. Specify your password.
    2. Confirm your password.
  4. Click OK.